Child Observation Paper

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As a 6-year-old child who is in first grade, Scott loves trains and collecting coins. He is also knowledgeable about public buildings in his town and when he is interested in a topic, he will ask relevant questions in order to have a better understanding. However, Scott becomes easily frustrated and has the tendency to throw objects, hit, kick, bit, and be disrespectful toward his parents. In addition, he will refuse to follow directions and will begin to yell and scream while throwing himself on the floor. These behaviors can be observed four to six times a day. He will also say “No” or “I won’t” and sits with his arms crossed and head down or he will run and hide under a table. As a result, his parents will leave him at home with one of them …show more content…

These services include family support, early childhood, general education, health, special education, transitions, and workshops. These organizations are focused on empowering all families of children with special needs. Their vision is to support each family in helping their child to reach his/her full potential. In addition, an advocacy group will direct families to a local support group in order for them to have an understanding that they are not alone. They even provide activities for the whole family which address a wide range of topics for the child and their families (K. Price, personal communication, January 24, 2018). As a result of these services, Scott, and his family will benefit from participating with an advocacy group and connecting other families who are dealing with similar situations at home and school. In addition to a behavioral, autism, and an advocacy member attending Scott’s multidisciplinary evaluation team meeting, the school occupational therapist should be in attendance as well. The occupational therapist plays an important role in a child’s writing development and provides specific strategies to improve a child’s motor skills (Gerde, Foster & Skibbe, 2014). As a result, the occupational therapist can work with Scott to improve his scissor, pencil, crayon, and marker skills. This will enable him to become more comfortable with these

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