Charlie Engler's Introverts: The Archetype Of

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Charlie's attitude appears to be that of an introvert, "introvert is more comfortable with the inner world of concepts and ideas." (Engler p.73) I say this because he seems constantly in his own world, coming up with new ideas, and talking about the abstract world of the paranormal. He also can't keep up with menial day to day tasks like housework, money, and food. Engler explains that, "an extrovert is more comfortable with the outer wold of people and things." (Engler p.73) I took that as meaning day to day upkeep to keep yourself connected with the social world, like cleaning to have guests, or having money to spend it out with friends, etc... The archetype Charlie seems to use most is that of the wise old man, simply because when speaking to groups interested in the paranormal like he is, it makes him feel knowledgeable and important, like a prophet. Someone wise, and seemingly knows the secrets to the universe. The level his archetype lies in is most likely the collective unconscious, since the archetype of the wise old man is shared across many cultures and generations. …show more content…

It's not that far off from who he really is, since he's always had a sense for things. Like knowing what time his father would come home even though he worked odd hours. His other persona is when he's speaking to groups interested in the paranormal. He takes on more of a "wise sage," personality, almost without realizing it. Simply because this group of people wants to know what he has to say, so it gives him an overly inflated sense of self. Thus making him feel older and

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