Bottlenose Dolphin Research Paper

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Have you ever seen the dolphin show at Miami aquarium, or SeaWorld? Those charismatic and energetic dolphins are bottle nose dolphins. They are very smart and obedient creatures that can be trained in captivity: however, in the wild they live in schools. In this paper I will be explaining the Habitat in which the bottlenose dolphin lives, how they adapt in the wild, and unique things about them. First of all the Bottlenose Dolphin is From the Animalia Kingdom, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Cetartiodactyla, Family: Delphiniae, And Genus Turiops. Bottlenose Dolphins have a life span on average of 20 to 40 years. They can be found anywhere from the coastal water to the open ocean. From temperatures of 10°-32°C or 50°-90°F. From the …show more content…

The body is streamlined body that helps them glide through the water faster. The bottle nose dolphin has pectoral flipper measuring from 12- 20in and are used to help them steer threw the water. Bottlenose dolphin’s auditory cortex of the brain is about twice the size of a humans. Their hearing range in frequency is up to 160 kHz. Bottle nose dolphins Diving is amazing for their survival when Hunting for food they can dive deep down as far was 2,300 feet and can hold their breath for as long as 12 to 15 minutes. They also use Echolocation kind of like sonar to find their prey. The dolphin starts by making clicking noises that reach Animals and objects making it easy to locate prey and other predators in the environment. Dolphins also use counter shading the body is gray to dark on their back and white on the bottom to help them blend and hide from predators and to sneak up on prey. The major Predators to dolphins are Large sharks example being tiger sharks and bull sharks are on rare occasions Killer Whales and Stingrays with sting rays being very rare only cause trauma and poison or infection from wounds.. Although it’s not uncommon to see dolphins with scars from shark bites on

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