What Are The Similarities Between Killer Whales And Dolphins

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Dolphins and Killer Whales The ocean, what a wonderful place, huh? Where the waves crash, the sky is clear, and the seagulls scavenger around. But, out there in the deep blue, lives the most peaceful creatures in the world, the dolphin. Also where his cousin lurks, the killer whale. Did you know, although dolphins and killer whales are cousins;that they have a lot of similarities and differences between their habitat, diet ,and their traits. Now. I will tell you about dolphins and killer whales traits. First, let me start off by their both mammals. Dolphins and killer whales live in a pod, as well as they’re both carnivores. Although they both have dorsal fins, dolphins have a round dorsal fin, while on the other hand, killer whales have tall, wide dorsal fins. Now, let’s talk about their color of skin,dolphins have striped skin, and killer whales have black and white markings on their skin. Although, dolphins and killer whales are gorgeous animals, they are becoming threatened and endangered. …show more content…

Killer whales eat fish, seals, squid, sea lions, and often seabirds. On the other hand, dolphins eat fish, squid, crab, and jellyfish. Both the dolphin and killer whale eat fish and squid. Killer whales favorite animal to eat is a seal. while, the dolphins favorite animal to eat is a fish. That’s all I have for the diet of a killer whale and dolphin. Do you know where dolphins and killer whales live? Dolphins and killer whales share the coastal waters. You can also find dolphins in harbors and bays. Unlike dolphins, killer whales live in colder regions of the arctic oceans. Dolphins and killer whales are close cousins, but have very different habitats. Dolphins like warmer waters, while, killer whales like colder

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