Asperger's Syndrome Research Paper

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The purpose of this essay is to briefly inform the class of Asperger Syndrome (ASD), an autism spectrum disorder. What will be covered in this essay are a few symptoms or characteristics of this disorder, what is known about the cause, as well as some available treatment methods. It was first described by the Austrian pediatrician, Hans Asperger in the 1940's. The disorder then became standardized through American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) in the early 1990's. What really sets Asperger's syndrome apart from typical autism are it's symptoms and characteristics. It is important to understand this disorder so that the correct approach can be taken if ever encountered by an individual with Asperger syndrome. I expect further research in this field to bring about enhanced and more effective measures of dealing with the syndrome. …show more content…

This means they have difficulty relaying the day's events, but can talk extensively on a topic that interests them. Another characteristic is their inability to differentiate between literal and figurative language. For example, telling them to "break a leg" in place of wishing them good luck will lead them to believe you want them to actually break their leg. Their behavior varies from mildly unusual, or odd, to aggressive and difficult. They also lack empathy and the ability to understand body language and the rules of social behavior. They wouldn't understand being shushed in a room with a sleeping baby, or a wave and a smile to mean "Hello". Detection of this disorder is slightly different for males and females. It is present at birth, but isn't noticed until the individual begins to have difficulty in school, the workplace, or their personal lives. It is usually diagnosed in the early school ages or in adulthood or adolescence for females

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