Asperger Syndrome Research Paper

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As the years go by, medical research has increased, and we've learned a lot about mental disorders that we'd originally known nothing about. Unfortunately, this also means that people have been placing others into stereotypical categories that are usually untrue. This is wrong and hurtful, and can sometimes even cause someone’s disorder to become worse. In this paper, I will talk about the symptoms and struggles of Asperger Syndrome, such as social disabilities and uncontrolled emotional outbursts. But I will also focus on how someone with Asperger’s can overcome their difficulties. People with mental disabilities are not incapable of turning their lives around and living productively, and the world needs to become aware of this. With the right treatment, someone with Asperger's can have a normal life. We need to stop prejudging people with AS and realize that they're really just like us. One of the most …show more content…

So the first thing they think about someone with a mental illness is that they're incapable of being a “normal” person. However, I disagree with this mentality, and I believe that we should all treat each other equally and with the respect they deserve. People with AS are just as intelligent as anyone else; they may just have different methods of learning. We need to stop judging people based on things that we've heard about them or assumed about them, just because they have a mental illness. People with AS are just like everyone else, except that the have a little more difficulty communicating with other people. By judging them and leaving them out of things, we could actually worsen their condition and make them lose confidence in themselves. We need to stop stigmatizing people with mental disorders, to stop putting labels like “crazy” and “weird” on them, and instead realize that, where it truly counts, we're all the

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