Animal Activists

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It's time to be honest -- caring about animals is really hard. While it's very easy to fall in love them, it's very hard to watch them abused, neglected, discarded, used and hurt in our society. Every single day, humans profit off the backs of innocent animals, and it's a seriously disturbing reality to observe. Oftentimes, I'm ashamed to be part of this species.

40-45 Percent of Animal Activists Stop Their Activism

But we have to snap out of it, animal lovers. These negative emotions only hurt us and hurt the animals we care about it. For instance, we could easily get a serious case of compassion fatigue. And numbing ourselves and not caring so …show more content…

More resources are popping up for animal activists. For instance, In Defense of Animals (IDA) recently launched a helpline just for animal activists!

American and Canadian activists are encouraged to call the helpline "to combat the frustration, anger and feelings of loneliness and depression that often occur when balancing everyday life with the challenging and compassion filled life of an animal activist." According to IDA, between 40 and 45 percent of animal activists stop their animal activism because of these overwhelming feelings. Oh, it's also a free resource!

Activists from the U.S. and Canada are encouraged to reach out to IDA's hotline via phone at the toll free number: 1 (800) 705-0425 or by e-mail at …show more content…

Source: EVOLVE! Campaigns' Facebook

Compassion definitely hurts. But the belief that we're all interconnected can literally save the planet.

3. Source: Pinterest

Stay soft in this cruel world. That means you're humanity is still intact, and that's a beautiful feeling -- don't waste it! This world desperately needs more healers.

4. Source: @a_vegan_picnic Instagram

It makes no sense. Why would anyone consciously condone cruelty to another sentient being? Why can't society see what you see? But don't give in or give up. You'll gain your heart and purpose in helping other beings who can never repay you.

5. Source: EVOLVE! Campaigns' Facebook

Trust that injustice can't last forever. Our world is speciesist now, but that's slowly changing. Animal rights is a legitimate social justice issue. And, I'm confident that one day we'll look back and understand how wrong we were. Animal rights activists aren't crazy -- they're just from the

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