Analysis of the Work of Christian Aid

751 Words2 Pages

Analysis of the Work of Christian Aid

The agency I have chosen to analyse and explain about for my chosen

religious agency is ‘Christian Aid.’ I have chosen them, because I

believe overall that they do the correct thing to help the needy.

Christian aid is an agency of the churches in the UK and Ireland;

Christian Aid works wherever the need is greatest, irrespective of

religion. Christian Aid supports local organisations, which are best,

placed to understand local needs, as well as giving help on the ground

through 16 overseas offices.

Christian Aid believes in strengthening people to find their own

solutions to the problems they face. It strives for a new world

transformed by and end to poverty and campaigns to change the rules

that keep people poor.

Christian Aid as stated above help many countries with their problems;

one of these, which I will elaborate on, is to correct the problems

arising from debt in third world countries. These problems arise when

the third world countries borrow money to make their country a better

place. However, the interest is so high that it is impossible to pay

back the money borrowed. Therefore, a campaign has been made to cancel

the debts of the world's poorest countries and as I will show, has had

a huge impact. Across the world, millions of people are feeling the

benefits right now. Nevertheless, many others are still waiting.

This campaign was helped when the eight richest industrial countries

met in Germany to discuss the world debt problem, and consequently

agreed to cancel some of the debt owed by other countries (40 in

total). This involved the heavily countries in debt who, to get out of

debt had to undergo major reforms in their country for six years

before their debt was paid off.

The debt however, has not gone away. As well as continuing to work on

debt through the Jubilee Debt Campaign, Christian Aid is supporting

many campaign groups in indebted countries.

For example, in Ghana an organisation called SEND is helping people to

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