Analysis Of These Lies That Live Between Us By Kai Raine

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The debut novel of Kai Raine is appropriately titled These Lies that Live Between Us, a fascinating fantasy story that explores how lies and secrecy isolate us from those we love and prevent us from having the fulfilling relationships we crave in life, all while balancing wit with poise. We read about Ceryll where three princesses, “the heir, the airhead and the dead,” live together in a castle with their father. This land is magical, but magic and witchcraft, or “the Words,” are forbidden. The book opens on one of the princesses tossing herself off a cliff, apparently overcome by the madness of the Words. A year later, the “airhead” princess, Gwen, embarks on a journey to find the legendary phoenix, a weapon powerful enough to save her nation from invading magicians who ignore the laws against magic. Meanwhile, the “heir” Nicole must protect herself and her father from foreign agents infiltrating their castle. …show more content…

There are magical creatures, supernatural beings, witches and wizardry, a medieval-esque setting—you get the idea. This novel excels, as do most good novels, in its originality. Almost every fantasy book has people who control the elements; this was the first I’ve read where they had to ask the elements very nicely for consent to be used. The chosen one narrative has been hashed and re-hashed into oblivion; while These Lies uses that trope, it also obfuscates it with a possible second chosen

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