Analysis Of The Ways We Lie

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In “The Ways We Lie,” by Stephanie Ericsson, she defines various types of lying and uses quotations at the beginning of each description as a rhetorical strategy. Throughout the reading she uses similar references or discussion points at the beginning and ending of each paragraph. Most believe lying is wrong, however, I believe lying is acceptable in some situations and not others when Stephanie Ericsson is asked, “how was your day.” In “The Ways We Lie,” she lies to protect her husband’s feelings, therefore, I think people lie because they are afraid of the consequences that come with telling the truth. For every action there is a consequence. In, “The Ways We Lie,” by Stephanie Ericsson she quotes, “We must consider the meaning of our actions” …show more content…

She states, “Any good liar knows that the way to perpetuate an untruth is to deflect attention from it” (Ericsson 123). This is true. I remember getting in trouble with my parents for lying about my bad grades. Knowingly, that I was not the only one in the house with bad grades, when I was getting yelled at and listening to a lecture from my parents. I deflected all attention by announcing to my parents that my sisters also had bad grades. Deflecting all the attention off of me my parents were quick to call my sisters and lecture them about their grades. Learning from that I had learned to deflect my lies so that I would not get in trouble in the …show more content…

Stephanie Ericsson’s The Ways We Lie, analyzes and reflects on how lying has simply become the norm in our society. We all lie, there is not one person in the world that does not lie. Most people lie because they are afraid of telling the truth, however what they do not know is telling a lie can lead them in the wrong direction because many things can happen when lying to a person. The person can find out when everything unravels that person will not have trust in you and you would be known as a liar. To every action there is a consequence, so why not deal with just one consequence when telling the

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