Analysis Of The Leadership Challenge And Start With Why

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As the Historian of Phi Beta Lambda, I’ve became interested in the numerous styles of leadership. Peter Drucker said “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” Upon reading the two books, The Leadership Challenge and Start With Why, I have gained insight on the leadership styles. The Leadership Challenge broke down how leaders should be and components of leadership. Start with Why explained leadership and gave me a clear understanding to the bigger picture in why things are done. I will compare and contrast the different leadership styles stated in each book and provide my own summary of the material I have learned.
Simon Sinek’s has various viewpoints on leadership that he stated throughout his book. A viewpoint I noticed was that Mr. Sinek believes that the Golden Circle helps everyone know why they do what they do. To be a great leader you have to remember to always start with why. That is exactly what the Golden Circle does. The Golden Circle starts with why then works its way inward to the how then the what. The what is defined as what the company or organization does. The …show more content…

The actions that are most relevant to Start With Why that we listed are share information, listen, ask for input, communication, motivate, trusting others, and sacrifice. When talking about sacrifices Mr. Sinek relates it to great leaders trusting their guts and taking sacrifices to see their visions become a reality. The book had an example of Dr. Martin Luther King trusting his instincts and having guts to take a stand. He sacrificed a lot of his time even his life for his vision to become a reality. Simon Sinek says that when trusting others we trust those we share a common belief with. When people share the same values trust is easily formed. When you trust others the company can begin to take risk and grow the organization as a

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