Unbann Catching Fire

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Banned books are books to which free access is not allowed. The practice of banning books is a method of book censorship, and often has political, religious or moral motivations. Catching fire the second book in the hunger games trilogy. The book is banned and I believe that is shouldn’t be banned. The reasons are it has excessive violence, causes nightmares in children, and some believe is anti-ethnic. I think Catching fire shouldn’t be banned because the book teaches a lesson to never give up. But high school students should be able to read the book because it’s very influential on young readers and gives readers that feeling that giving up is not an option and to keep pushing on. There are many reasons that violence is one of the reasons that the book has been banned. “He determined to strand me outside district 12 until he can apprehend to arrest me? Drag me to the square to be locked in a stockade or whipped or hanged?” (Collins 151). This isn’t really a strong bloody gory violence that would cause a student to get sick in class it’s a basic violence that you would see in any other book that involves killing and fighting. And by exposing this type of violence to children it will raise their maturity level and have the children comprehend that there is violence around them in the world and they’re going to have to learn to deal with it. 56% of the book is challenged by parents and only 13% by libraries. This tells the reader that parents have a more difficult time with the book so you ask yourself is it more of the parents why they see the book? Or is it their child’s way they see the book? both child and parents are going to see the book differently so children may like the violence in the book but the parents may say th... ... middle of paper ... ... anti-war tones” (notecard #3 page 1 source #3 ) this shows that parents argue and complain about the book more than what the students do as they repeat why they think the book should be banned. Again I think the book should not be banned because it has good reasons on why it should be banned but the parents and the other challengers haven’t provide efficient enough evidence in my opinion. The evidence I provided could easily overturn the ruling of the book being banned because yes there’s violence in the book but it’s the way the parents see the violence and the children might see it a different way. This book is teaching a lesson to the reader to never give up and show bravery like Katniss in the book. The violence exposed in this book should mature your children and as a parent to know that there’s more violence in the real world then in this fictional violence.

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