Advantages And Disadvantages Of Watching Too Much Tv

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Qualification Essay
Before television existed people had to depend on Radio stations to receive their little bit of entertainment and news. But in 1878, the invention of TV began. The first TV made didn’t look anything like the way TV’s look today. It was a mechanical camera with a large spinning disc attached to it (Kids Work). But as over the years, of course, inventions of different TV’s progressed and by the 20th century about 90 percent of our population had a TV in their household (MGHR). Television today is mainly used for people take a break from their life by relaxing and enjoying some entertainment. In Sach’s essay “A Nation of Vidiots,” he explains how he believes that the use of television that we intake can contribute to making …show more content…

The staggering amount that we waste our day watching TV for more hours than we should. There are days where I tell myself I’m going to leave my apartment to do something active, but most of the time that never happens because of how distracted I get from the TV. My little TV time ends up being more than expected in a matter of seconds without even realizing. Unproductiveness is a very important trait into becoming unhealthy, it can lead to something even more serious, like obesity. In Sach’s essay, he explains how there are at least two-thirds of the population in America whom are obese and I agree that TV can be one of its leading factors. The Nurses Healthy Study followed over 50,000 women for six years and notice that for every two hours of TV spent a day increased their chances of being obese by 23% (Obesity Prevention Source). As it is, we can watch TV for numerous amount of hours without even noticing that the time has passed by, so could you imagine how much percentage has increased now? The amount of opportunities we get to eat unhealthy food while watching TV is also a reason for becoming obese. Most of us like to enjoy a snack while watching our favorite TV show, which result to a horrible mixture. You could be eating a new opened bag of chips and the next thing you notice the bag is empty. This happens because we are too focused on whatever we are watching to realize …show more content…

For example, a good TV show that helps a child become smart and learn a couple things is Sesame’s Street. Sesame’s Street is kid’s show that’s been airing since the 1960’s. The show is consist of humans and puppets, who use comedy and cartoons to teach children educational things; based off songs and games (Sesame Workshop). I’ve seen this show work for children right in front of my face. Ever since I was sixteen I would go to my grandma’s Day Care and help her with the children. At her Day Care, Sesame’s Street was always being played. The kids would learn so many things from the show. There was one episode here Elmo and the Cookie Monster would sing the Alphabet in a song. It wasn’t like the original song, this one was different and catchy. So catchy that I’d find myself singing along the song too. I could definitely see that catchy song working for the kids too because every time I would see them, I would ask them the alphabet and they said to me, perfectly. So I absolutely disagree with Sach, parents shouldn’t keep their in a box and hide them from TV, instead they should search for the appropriate ones and show it to

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