Autonomous Air Pollution Monitoring System

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People are exposed to air pollutants both indoors and outdoors depending on the activities of individuals. It is significant to measure the exposure levels of different pollutant gases, especially for the well being sensitive or susceptible individuals such as children, aged people and persistently ill people. To avoid such adverse imbalances in the nature, an air quality monitoring system is utmost important. Recent enhancement in technology have made it conceivable to deploy cost-effective wireless sensor nodes for environmental monitoring, indoor climate control, scrutiny, structural monitoring, gathering sensing information in unreceptive locations and ambient air monitoring.

We propose an online pollutants concentration monitoring system centered on the technologies of sensor networks. We will attempts to develop an effective solution for air pollution monitoring using WSN that is featured by its low-cost, renewable power source, simple to set up, without excessive maintenance etc., and it can achieve assortment of various regional low-cost unmanned continuous monitoring. This system helps us to monitor various air constituents eliminating need to visit distant sites for data collection. The data is collected to a central server and displayed automatically to a formed data base online.

Keywords —sensor, pollution, monitor, AQI, WSN


The dreadful conditions environmental of air are affecting the healthiness of more than 120 million people globally. In India the growing commercial progress and a rapidly mounting population from 300 million people to more than one billion people today is laying a stress on the environment, economical framework, and country’s natural resources. India is among the world’s ...

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...itoring from remote location.

 Mobile

 Uses solar power.

 Consist of off-the-shelf devices, components, and standards.

 Can easily adapt to take in various kinds of sensors.

 Precise and continuous real-time data collection.

A. Proposed system methodology

Based on technologies of micro-sensors, GPRS, to meet the need of monitoring of air Pollutants, we developed a remote online monitoring system. The system mainly entails of monitoring equipment, data server and the clients, as shown in Figure 1. The design of monitoring equipment is the core task of the whole system. The equipment can be deployed in most polluted monitoring region. It can collect pollution gas concentration through sensors. GPRS network will send the assembled data to the data server, and then immediately data query, analysis and monitoring can be accomplished on various patrons.

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