The Clean Air Act Objectives

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The clean air act was established in 1963 by the federal government. Clean air act objectives are to standardize regulations for air pollution stemming from automobiles and industrial plants. Congress has allowed states such as California that have severe air pollution problems to implement their own standards for the emissions of pollutants coming from motor vehicles. Under the Environmental Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA), a designated federal agency sets fuel economy standards for new cars. The plaintiffs argued, among other things, that the EPCA, which explicitly prohibits states from adopting separate fuel economy standards, preempts states from adopting their own emission standards. Is the plaintiffs’ argument valid? Discuss. “State implementation plans contain emission limits and compliance schedules for stationary pollution sources, such as power plants and factories. Depending on the pollutant, plans may also include state measures to reduce emissions from existing vehicles, such as state emissions inspection and maintenance programs that require care with excessive emissions to be tuned-up or repaired.” (The Clean Air Act in a Nutshell) EPA established health-based national air quality standards for common pollutants, in order to protect people. Therefore, plaintiffs’ argument is not valid as stated in the EPA.GOV, “States are responsible for developing enforceable state implementation plans to meet the standards.” (The Clean Air Act in a Nutshell) Nonetheless, EPA offers guidance on state preparation and issues, national emissions standards to shadow, then review states plan to ensure that they are in compliance with the regulations. In order for states to control the quality of air they use computerized air quali... ... middle of paper ... ... confusing tone, there needs to be a standardized uniformity put into action. The plaintiffs also argued that they would go bankrupt if they were forced to adhere to a different GHG standard for each state. Should they be granted relief on this basis? Does history support their claim? Discuss. Numerous regulations have been put in service and have changed over time in order to control new pollutants released into the air. Nonetheless, automobile industry has always been able to evolve and adapt their manufacturing to meet the EPA guidelines. If the automobile production is feeling pressure from EPA, State and Federal governments then it’s time for them to focus on creating innovative environmental friendly cars. Despite the automobile industry needing to conform to new eco-friendly policies, they will not go bankrupt from progressing their automotive engineering.

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