Reflection Of Writing: 'The Achievement Of Desire'

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I feel as though this class has helped me become a more polished and professional writer. When I first entered English 110, I was extremely unsure and lacked confidence in my writing. I believe that this point can be partly attributed to the fact that I had always had my instructors holding my hand and helping me through the writing process in high school. My senior English teacher always reminded us that college would be much more challenging than her class was and then she would go on to tell us stories of professors who gave out zeros for tiny oversights within a paper. This combined with general apprehension about college life left me terrified. I had always been a strong writer in high school; I know how to form an argument and support I expected to be reading long and boring books about topics that did not pertain to my life; as it turns out, this assumption was completely false. All of the three essays that we were required to read in class were fairly difficult to understand, but after a second reading, the essays meaning became clearer. I also feel as though their messages and key ideas were captivating. I definitely thought they would be extremely dry and difficult to understand. When I first read Richard Rodriguez’ “The Achievement of Desire,” I had the feeling that I could closely relate to this man. Everything that he said about education and sacrifice reminded me of my own schooling. The same idea can be echoed in Michel Foucault’s essay “Panopticism”; I found his ideas fascinating. I was extremely intrigued with how he explored power relations and being able to examine a panoptic structure in my Within my essay, I specifically focused on my experiences within a nursing home. In my paper, I write “The nurse’s station and the necessary staff rooms are at the center of the unit, similar to the central tower… Conversely, this makes the resident’s rooms similar to cells and the resident’s inside, comparable to prisoners” (2). In essence, I am exemplifying my understanding of a panoptic structure with an example of the people who function within the nursing home. Before writing the analysis, I did not think twice about going to work, but after writing this paper, whenever I went to work, Foucault and his ideas of Panopticism always remain in the back of my mind. This is not to say that this is all I focus on when I am at work, but that it makes me think twice when I am interacting with coworkers, residents, or family

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