Equality In The Declaration Of Independence

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Women did not benefit from the Declaration of Independence, despite the assertion that the declaration would further equality throughout the nation. The Declaration of Independence did not discuss women’s rights and what Independence would mean for them. Thomas Jefferson did not disclose any information about women in his writing of the declaration. The declaration granted all white males the right to vote, but women did not receive the same right. How can the Declaration of Independence argue that it brought equality when women were not granted equal rights to men? Elaine Crane supports this view and shares the view of Charles Brown in her writings where she writes “Brown argued through his protagonist that the denial of the vote to women violated “pretensions to equality and …show more content…

“All men are born free and with equal rights, and must always remain free and have equal rights,” (Thomas Jefferson) This is the famous statement made by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. He is being extremely hypocritical here considering he himself owned a near two hundred slaves. The slaves are still owned and treated as ‘property’. Thomas Jefferson did not have care for the slaves. The equalities discussed in the Declaration were not aimed to all men, they were aimed at specific white men. Frederick Douglass a former slave excellently asks in reaction to Jefferson; “Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us?” What he means by “Us” is African American, it could also mean slave considering he was one. It is just so perfectly put because it is obvious the beliefs of Jefferson were not extended to African American’s or slaves. He continues on rather sarcastically “confess the benefits”, this is important because there was very little benefits. (Frederick Douglass, 1852,

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