How Does Advertising Shape Body Image

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It is difficult to pinpoint what exactly shapes a person’s view on body image because bodies are everywhere. In certain time periods, one’s body image was influenced by different factors. In the Victorian Age, status pressured women to be skinny, while current advertisements influence people to achieve the “ideal” body. The professional world today, unfortunately also also makes judgements in regard to an employee’s character based on their weight. However, nothing is more influential than what a person goes through during their everyday life. Even though status, advertisements, and the professional world help shape a person’s view of their own body image, the strongest pressure comes from our own personal experiences with our family and rejection. …show more content…

Advertisers create images people think are the most appealing based on their targeted audience. For example, in the documentary, Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising’s Image of Women Now, Jean Kilbourne sheds light on how advertisers use unrealistic, distorted images to reach their target audience. Kilbourne showed a video on how Photoshop is used to turn a normal woman into the “perfect” woman used in ads. This shapes how women view their own body images because they want to be like the women used on billboards. This does not exclude men. According to Fabio Parasecoli, there is a growing regard on the muscular body which increases the pressure on men to take better care of their bodies. This in part has to do with advertising and how advertisers portray the ideal man and how, “many of the advertising pages in these magazines (Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, and Muscle and Fitness) often play with a sense of inadequacy.” (Parasecoli 189). An example is the Old Spice commercial, which features a very toned, good looking male talking to the camera, (female members of the audience) telling them to look at him and then to look at their “man” and how if their man uses Old Spice they can look like him. This is clearly shaping how men look at their own body’s because they want to look like the ideal male. Advertisers distort images and use these “ideal” people to display their product to sell, but really its shaping how people view their own body in a negative way. Although advertisements have now become a big part of body image, people’s views strongly stem from their personal

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