Women Ordained As Priests

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The Roman Catholic Church has without fail refused to ordain women as Priests; this practice dates back centuries. B.A. Robinson states, “The Pope has declared as infallible the teaching that the Church cannot ordain women to the priesthood now or at any other time in the future.” (Robinson) I think the ordination of women to the priesthood should be allowed for the following reasons there is no scriptural evidence in support of exclusion; Jesus’ choosing all male Apostles did set the tone for future denial of women in a leadership role. There is a severe decline in the number of priests with an increase number of Catholics and The New Testament brought about changes with it a new priesthood was established. The introduction of Vatican II rewrote much of our Catholic Church’s tradition; however, women’s ordination was not one of them. In addition, early evidence has been uncovered to support women’s ordination as deacons, priests, and bishops. Evolution and cultural change demand change within the Catholic Church. If the Church does not reconsider their stance on women's ordination, the Archdiocese will have no other alternative then closing additional parishes throughout the United States. Opening the priesthood to women and those with a calling will lessen the priest shortage and need for closing parishes. I come to you Father Gene asking your assistance in appealing the Archdiocese to reconsider what historically has been the norm of excluding women from ordination into Priesthood. According John Wijngaards (Wijngaards) in 1976, the international biblical experts of the Pontifical Biblical Commission concluded, with a majority of twelve to five, no scriptural objections to the priestly ordination of women existed. ... ... middle of paper ... ...neralibus Title III General Decrees and Instructions." December 2007. "L "Osservatore Romano". 6 April 2011 . VI, his Holiness Pope Paul. http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/. 18 November 1965. 11 April 2011 . Wijngaards, John. Association for the Rights of Catholics In the Church. 17 September 1998. 10 April 2011 . Williams, Mary E. Gale Group. 2006. 18 March 2011 .

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