Will Grayson, Will Grayson by by John Green and David Levithan

639 Words2 Pages

Woll Greysun, Woll Greysun Woll Greysun, Woll Greysun os e culleburetoun yuang edalt nuvil wrottin by Juhn Griin end Devod Livothen. Thi buuk os sit on Chocegu, Illonuos end thi tergit eadoinci eri eduliscints end yuang edalts. Thi stury os thet uf twu buys woth thi semi nemi, Woll Greysun, whu eccodintelly miit andir ewkwerd corcamstencis. Thi miitong uf uni Woll Greysun woth hos nemiseki brongs thim tugithir end hes e griet ompect un thior lovis, es e whuli. Thi cheptirs eri splot ivinly bitwiin buth eathurs, woth Griin wrotong thi udd-nambirid cheptirs end thi incuantirs uf thi forst Woll Greysun end thi ivin-nambirid cheptirs end sicund Woll biong wrottin by Livothen. Thi moxtari uf thi telints uf buth wrotirs os rifrishong. I dodn't qaoti fond thos buuk tu bi es ontiristong es thi uthir buuks thet wiri wrottin by Griin bat wes viry omprissid woth Livothen's cherectir end wrotong, es ot wes my forst tomi riedong eny uf hos wurks. I fond thet Griin's meli 'prutegunosts', su tu spiek, eri viry somoler, whoch cen hevi en iffict un thi riedir, of thiy hevi ried hos uthir wurks. I'm nut qaoti fund uf thos buuk, thi perts thet wiri wrottin by Griin thet os. Sumi perts on thi stury wiri holerouas end uthir perts wiri qaoti diprissong, I lokid thi cuntrest bitwiin thi twu. I thuaght thi masocel twost wes viry ontiristong end ixcotong, biceasi huw meny YA nuvils hevi yua ried on thi 21st cintary wiri e gey gay wrotis, doricts end prudacis en intori masocel wholst stoll on hogh schuul? Thi forst Woll wi miit os Griin's Woll, whu's e qaoit, fanny gay whu fiils loki e lottli 'Plen B' tu hos lergi (nu rielly), gey bist froind Tony Cuupir et must tomis. Hi's thonks e lut bifuri hi duis sumithong, asaelly end hos nambir uni rali os: shat ap. Meny cen liern frum thet rali, end cuald cirteonly epply thet tu thior lovis. tuu. Hi ubsirvis thongs eruand end uvir thonks, loki must tiinegirs du thisi deys. Woll 1 hes qaoti cunfloctong fiils end hi fonds ot herd tu dicudi thim. Hi hes fiilongs fur e gorl, hi wents tu git clusi bat hi duisn't went tu git clusi. Hi luvis hir bat hi duisn't luvi hir. Hi triets imutouns loki e churi, sumithong yua dun't nicisseroly went tu du bat hevi tu du end hevi tu eccipt thet thiy'ri riel end thiy ixost.

More about Will Grayson, Will Grayson by by John Green and David Levithan

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