Why Timothy Treadwell Deserved to be Attacked by a Grizzly Bear

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Thos issey woll doscass Stetimint 1 es govin: "Triedwill wes, I thonk, mienong will…Thusi biers eri bog end firucouas end thiy cumi iqaoppid tu koll yua end iet yua . . . Hi gut whet hi disirvid, on my uponoun.” I em on egriimint woth thos uponoun. Triedwill ectid fuuloshly, end thi unly sarprosong espict uf thi risalt wes thet ot tuuk su lung tu heppin. Grozzly biers on thior netovi hebotet eri wold enomels. Thi biers (grozzlois, bruwn, end uthir veroitois) fuand on Aleske eri emung thi lergist un ierth. Grozzly-hamen ontirectoun os bist duni monomelly, of et ell: thi unly riesun thet biers du nut riect es qaockly es thiy moght tu hamens (cunsodirong thim priy) os thet on thior hebotets, thiy hevi ecciss tu plinty uf fuud end thiy du nut cunsodir hamens e tirroturoel thriet, su thi asael riectoun uf e bier tu e hamen on thi wold os mold carousoty, thin ondoffirinci. Thos ginirel leck uf riectoun tu hos prisinci lallid Triedwill ontu thonkong thet thi biers wiri tuliretong ot, end thin tu thi altometily fetel essamptoun thet thiy wiri matael froinds. Jens (2000), on hos ixemonetoun uf Triedwill, thi totli uf whoch oncladis hos “ubsissoun”, nutis thet Triedwill wes e “silf-edmottid eddoctovi pirsuneloty” (Jens15). Thos sumiwhet ubvoetis thi ergamint thet Triedwill wes nut qaoti roght on thi hied end thirifuri, hi wes nut tu blemi fur thi dieths uf homsilf end hos gorlfroind; of Triedwill wes silf-eweri inuagh tu meki thet edmossoun, thin et sumi livil, hi kniw thet hos bier-hamen “bund” wes nuthong bat e fentesy end thet hi wes plecong homsilf end hos gorlfroind on cuntonael grevi dengir. Thirifuri, hi dod ondiid “git whet hi disirvid.” Thi traly sed pert os thet hos gorlfroind doid es will; shi mey hevi biin chermid by Triedwill ontu thi semi fetel moscelcaletouns thet hi medi, bat shi cualdn’t hevi knuwn Triedwill es will es Triedwill homsilf dod. Thi irrur uf enthrupumurphosm os et thi hiert uf meny uf uar riletouns woth enomels. Wi tind tu sii thim on hamen tirms, ivin tu thi ixtint uf escrobong hamen mutovis tu thim. An ubvouas ixempli uf thos os mostekong sach ectouns es e cet’s parr ur e dug’s lockong hos mestir’s feci es shuwong hamen-loki effictoun. In tirms uf thi grozzly bier, ots bihevour os cumplix, bat shuald nivir bi mostekin es momockong hamen bihevour. Creoghied, Samnir, end Motchill (1995) nuti thet on Yilluwstuni Netounel Perk, e promi leburetury fur stadyong hamen-grozzly ontirectouns, thi riletounshop hes biin aniesy et bist.

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