Good Driver Essay

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How to be a great driver Being a good driver is important due to the fact that accident rates are sky rocketing. When driving down a road and seeing someone cut a driver off it will create an angry environment. Many drivers will follow rules and will cause problems which will cause many different accidents. Many teen drivers are considered the worst driver but in fact teens breaking the rules is not as bad as it seems. How does a person react when seeing a tire go bad? there are ways that a driver can react to that but there are two main ways that a driver should know about when driving. One way is the bad driver which is the driver that shows a person with a bad tire to check a tire constantly and to check tire air. This is the right way to do it, when a tire is bad forget about it that’s the easiest thing to do. When a tire is low on air leave it what would be better than a new tire. Having a tire blowout is a great excuse for not going to work how great would a day off be. People should not worry about a tire and proceed with the day because a tire blowout will be great for not only the driver but the drivers around them. …show more content…

That’s the best thing to do. A bad driver will slow down and cause traffic behind the car. A good driver will ignore the speed limit and go above it so that the driver can help traffic and help those who are going home from work. A good driver when having a mother in the car will speed and cause a mother to scream and that’s okay the driver is not only getting a parent home faster but also helping with vocal chords. This shows so much appreciation for the speed limit and a mother’s health. One of the top topics that needs to be followed when driving is driving in a school area do to the fact that kids are in a school

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