What are Fusion Centers?

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Introduction Fusion centers are easily described by their name. They are a collaboration between several different agencies that combine to form one united Criminal Justice front against terrorism. All agencies, such as the FBI, Department of Homeland Security(DHS) and local police work together by analyzing and gathering potential information on threats and possible terrorist attacks against the United States. They also serve as a sort of hub to pass out information needed to other agencies. The making of Fusion Centers help make local law enforcements more capable in responding and fighting terror threats. The Beginning The Fusion Centers started in New York in 2002 under the direction of Raymond Kelly. He used the abilities of technology to help combat terrorism, founding the need for Fusion Centers. With a cost of over eleven million dollars, the Real Time Crime Center(RTCC) in New York goes through millions of complaints, arrest records, and 911 calls that go back ten years in order to give the NYPD officers the possible information to stop or investigate terror threats or attacks. They distribute this information to all their and surrounding agencies that they collaborate with. After the attack on 9/11 against the United States, these agencies have become more important and available. In order to transform a local police agency into an intelligence-led organization, they go through several steps. The first, after strict training and funding is to task and coordination processes. The second is to make and develop the intelligence products to be used in the operations. Next is to begin the use of standardized training for all the people to be involved. Since some local agencies cannot afford to train every employee in this... ... middle of paper ... ...Territo, L., & Taylor, R. W. (2012). Intelligence, Terrorism, and Homeland Security. Police administration: structures, processes, and behavior (8th ed., pp. 90-99). Boston: Pearson. Homeland Security. (n.d.). Fusion Center Locations and Contact Information. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from http://www.dhs.gov/fusion-center-locations-and-contact-information Homeland Security. (n.d.). State and Major Urban Area Fusion Centers. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from http://www.dhs.gov/state-and-major-urban-area-fusion-centers Fusion Center Locations Revealed | Public Intelligence. (n.d.). Public Intelligence. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from http://publicintelligence.net/fusion-center-locations-revealed/ American Civil Liberties Union. (n.d.). American Civil Liberties Union. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from https://www.aclu.org/fusion-centers-force-multiplier-spying-local-communities

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