The Land Of Opportunity And Dreams In Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

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The United States of America is known as the land of opportunity and dreams. People dream of migrating to this nation for a chance of a better a life. This belief has been around for many years, ever since the birth of the United States; therefore it’s a factor in which motivate many people migrate to the United States. Upton Sinclair, author of the Jungle, narrates the life of a Lithuanian family and there struggles with work, crime, family loss, and survival in the city of Packingtown. Sinclair expresses her disgust as well as the unbelievable truth of life in the United States involving politics, corruption, and daily struggle that many suffered through in the 19th and 20th century. Jurgis Rudkus, is a Lithuanian young man who is strong, …show more content…

His ego was heighten when he found a job during his first day in Packingtown. (Sinclair, “The Jungle”, 23)*. Excited as he was, Jurgis had no knowledge of the work he was going to get involved with. The meat industry at Durham’s are not a pleasant sight, and Jurgis was shocked with the production of the meat industry. His time working there allows him to view the process of meat packaging and distribution; though he can’t understand the error towards the industry’s method of employment and production. The superintendents and higher officials have no interest in the well-being of there employees, and view them as replaceable objects. If an employee was not long fit work; or refused to comply with their regulations: such as “speed up” demands or longer hours, they would immediately get replaced with another person willing to obey. In additions, accidents (though not as frequent) arose having workers injured, or in dreadful occasions, killed. Therefore, these accidents became a valid reason to replace workers without owning up to any ethical consequences. Jurgis was also recruited to work on confidential assignments, such as process and distribution of tainted meat (Sinclair, “The Jungle”, #)*. This allowed Jurgis to witness the corrupt version of an industry. Tainted meat was washed and recruits removed as much spoiled meat as possible. After this task, the recruits …show more content…

Ona was a beautiful women that was able to maintain Jurgis’s humanity in check. Ona wanted to help Jurgis once they arrived to the states. She first served as errand girl along with her stepmother Teta Elzbieta. Their first major assignment was finding a place to call their home, as well as determine if the cost is doable for the members in the family. After discussing the selection of an ideal home, their next assignment was preparing the contract and payment of the house. Both women were skeptical of the agreements, and lacked the knowledge and even the language to defend themselves. The translator and their lawyer were not helping them in their decision, but they end up purchasing and agreeing to the terms of the contract (Sinclair, “The Jungle”, 37)*. Later, she discovers that their original plan was not going to work out, since they failed to realize hidden details of the house agreement; such as taxes, water fees, insurance fees, and city fees. This led to other members of the family including Little Ona to have a job. She managed to get a job sewing covers on hams at a cellar. Though it was not an ideal job, beggars can’t be choosers, and Jurigs had to accept. Moreover, Ona became pregnant and had her first child, Antanas. Even though the child was healthy, Ona had to return to work immediately. This led her health to decline, since she couldn’t fully recuperate after

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