Unified Software Development Model

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Unified Software Development Model:

Unified software development model is modified for the specific software product to be developed i.e. it is an adaptable methodology. Unified software development model consist four phases and five core workflows. The phases are inception phase, elaboration phase, construction phase and transition phase and workflows are requirement, analysis, design, implementation and test workflow. These phases and workflows correspond to increments of project as it develops. Every step carried out in this model falls into one of the five workflows and one of the four phases.

The requirement workflow determines the client’s requirements. Analysis workflow analyzes and refines the requirements. Design workflow is reiterated until the material is in the form that can be implemented by programmers. The goal of implementation workflow is to implement the software project.

Figure 1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Software_Development_Process

Inception Phase: The purpose of inception phase is to determine the economic viability of proposed software product. Along with business case, project scope and rough estimation of cost and schedule are determined and risks are identified in this phase. The deliverables of this phase are, initial version of domain model and business model; initial version of requirements; initial list of risks, use cases and plan for elaboration phase.

Elaboration Phase: As the name suggests, purpose of elaboration phase is to refine the requirements, architecture, business case and produce a refined software project management plan. The primary purpose of this phase is to address known risks and establish and validate system architecture. The deliverables of this phase are, ...

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...d release. The second sub step includes code distribution and maintenance. Both the sub steps are reiterated until the complete robust version of software product is not created.

Code Distribution and Maintenance: This phase contains official release and maintenance of the software product.

The advantages of this model are earlier availability of critical functionality, earlier reduction of risks, flexibility and reduced errors in estimation.

Works Cited

1. http://undergraduate.csse.uwa.edu.au/units/CITS2220/lecturenotes/lec01.seintro.pdf

2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Software_Development_Process

3. B. Bruegge and A. H. Dutoit, Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns, and Java

4. Bob Hughes et al., Software Project Management 4th edition (Chapter 4)

5. Stephen R. Schach, Object-Oriented and classical software engineering

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