Two Forms Of External Finance

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There are two forms of finance that can be utilised by the business, the first being external finance, this can refer to any type of finance that is acquired from outside of the business; the examples of this are discussed below.

A debenture is a promissory note that is backed generally only by the integrity and reputation of the borrower and the borrower’s specific assets. This money is normally “loaned” to the borrower for a period of time, agreed by the debtor and the creditor; they will also agree a percentage of interest that the borrower has to pay back. The capital is paid back at the end of the term agreed by both parties. Debentures would be a precarious choice for the business as the interest will normally be higher than the interest …show more content…

The disadvantages of this are that if you fail to make payments the item can be taken off of you, as you don 't strictly own it.

An overdraft is a loan arrangement under which the bank will extend your credit to a maximum amount, this form of finance should not be used to buy machinery as interest costs tend to be high, therefore it should only be used to pay employees wages when you don 't have the available funds to do so. This form of finance can be useful in the short term but not in the long term.

A business loan is a loan that is specifically intended for business use and as with all loans involves the creation of a debt, which will be repaid with added interest. The benefit of this type of loan is it specifically geared toward businesses and because of this will typically be secured against an asset owned by the business but can occasionally be an unsecured loan . The disadvantages of a business loan as a source of finance is that the interest the business will have to pay is non-negotiable, this means if the interest rates are high then you may have to look

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