Analysis Of Tortoise And The Hare

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“One day a hare was bragging about how fast he could run. He bragged and bragged and even laughed at the tortoise, who was so slow. The tortoise stretched his long neck out and challenged the hare to a race, which, of course made the hare laugh.” (Stevens 6) This quote is an important part to the beginning to the book, because that is when the tortoise got so sick of hare teasing him, that he challenged him to the race. While everyone has met a “Hare” in their lives, it is how you handle the situation that makes you grow as a person and become who you are. That is why the Tortoise and the Hare should be on the CBC home library list, because of the positive relationships between the characters, visual images and lessons learned. The Tortoise and the Hare should be included on the Children’s Book Council at home library list because of the positive relationships developed between the characters throughout the story. The main reason that the tortoise was up to the challenge of racing the hare was because of his friend’s encouragement. “You’ve put up with that nasty hare long enough. We think you can win.” (Stevens 4) The tortoise only had two-and-a-half weeks to train to get ready for the race. But with the …show more content…

He doesn’t give in to the hares mean ways. Many life lessons can be learned in this book, for both children and adults. One lesson is “slow and steady wins the race,” (Stevens 27) which is a great lesson for children! Doesn’t matter how fast you do something if it gets done, teaching them that they don’t have to be the first one done at everything, since sometimes it is better to take your time. Another lesson, is to never give up. Although the hare sprinted at the start of the race and was winning, the tortoise never gave up. He just kept going, at his own pace and won the race! These are small lessons that children will remember as they are growing up and can relate to the real world around

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