Whitaker and Baxter Essays

  • Ivy Ledbetter Lee's Theory Of Public Relations

    989 Words  | 2 Pages

    Public relations is a profession with several pioneers, and the period of 1900-1916 saw the development of public relations skills by the railroads and the public utilities (Broom and Sha 86). Ivy Ledbetter Lee’s statement of philosophy influenced the evolution of press agentry and publicity into public relations (Broom and Sha 87). He went against the prevailing feeling on Wall Street that the public does not matter (Broom and Sha 87). His declaration made it clear that public was to no longer be

  • The Lie Factory By Jill Lepore's 'The Lie Factory'

    1297 Words  | 3 Pages

    with no punches pulled’), or you can put on a show (‘he likes the movies; he likes mysteries; he likes fireworks and parades’): ‘So if you can’t fight, PUT ON A SHOW! And if you put on a good show, Mr. and Mrs. America will turn out to see it.” (Whitaker qtd. in Lepore) In the case of Trump, he combines both fighting and showmanship to create a dangerously alluring combination. The more ostentatious he can be, the more support he earns. Every hateful remark, every verbal jab is given media coverage