Welsh Marches Essays

  • Exploring Who Built Castell Morgraig

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    built right on the border between Welsh and Norman lands, and therefore could have been useful for both sides to have. For example, Thomas Gill states: "Either the Welsh or the English could have made use of a castle on this site". On balance, Most evidence suggests that Castell Morgraig was Wesh built because of the location it has been built in and its style of build. When looking at the design of Castell Morgraig, most evidence suggests that it was Welsh built. The castle's thickest wall

  • An Analysis of Singing to Wolves

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    wonderful solitude is,  but also considers it’s negative side,  with the example of a lonely girl.  The poem starts off with a brief encounter into the history of Wales,  and talks about the Llanthony monks,  who the reader is told were unloved by the Welsh,  and thus driven to a lonely life in the wilderness.  By reading this poem,  it seems as though being unloved is a popular reason for solitude.  After this brief insight into Wales’ history the reader is then taken back to the realms of modern day

  • The People and Landscape of the Welsh Hillcountry

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    The People and Landscape of the Welsh Hillcountry R.S. Thomas writes about the people and landscape of the Welsh “hillcountry.” By referring closely to at least two of his poems, show how he makes the Welsh countryside and its inhabitants vivid to the reader. RS Thomas was born in Cardiff in 1913. He was a Parish Priest in Wales for more than 20 years. During this time he taught himself the Welsh language in order to understand the remote hill farmers that are under his care. He writes

  • Daffyd's Journey

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    aged him. He couldn't fight the dreams like he used to. But he did have wisdom and experience on his side, though he was hard-pressed to figure out how that could help. He cast around for another subject. His mother's mother was Welsh. His mother had brought him up Welsh, her name for him had been 'Daffyd'. He wondered why he remembered that. He was confused, he didn't know what he was feeling or why. He shook his head, and with some small sense of purpose, climbed out of bed. He had decided to

  • Augustus Caesar and the Roman Empire

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    In the antique land of Rome, a shattered visage of a man lies. This statue, in frigid stone, represents a man who built one of the most formidable empires in human history, all while setting the course for its eventual downfall. As the morning sun rises over the horizon in a blaze of glory, the statue illuminates and reveals the somewhat melancholic ivy as it slowly envelops the forgotten emperor. Beside the statue, hanging on a ruined stone wall, is a painting of the city that once stood tall and

  • Autobiography

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    from my folks. Looking back, I think I started before I was serious enough to make an effort. I really wasn’t able to get my head into it. I did do well in the classes I liked, but I wondered through the rest of them in a self induced fog. Time marches on, so a half dozen girlfriends and two years later I was still spinning my wheels, and I wasn’t even close to my associate’s degree yet. Back then, I spent my nights slinging sandwiches. Since I was only clearing a couple of hundred bucks a week

  • The Boucherie By Stephanie Soileau Summary

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    “The Boucherie” reveals Cajun culture through values, ethics, and their traditions. Stephanie Soileau explores Cajun tradition of how these magical get-togethers show their devotion to good neighboring and their communal country rituals. Cajuns are mostly known for being dauntless as they are very proud over their heritage and of the history they have made for their kind in southern Louisiana. By definition, a boucherie is where several families gather around to slaughter an animal to distribute


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    MERLIN There is bitter controversy among scholars and theologians alike as to whether of not Merlin was a real historical figure or a product of literary imagination. Much of the earlier poetry attributed to him in Welsh manuscripts, it seems, comes from authentic prophetic verse that Merlin himself spoke. Merlin was first seen in Geoffrey of Monmouthís History of the Kings of Britain written c. 1136. Many people do not accept Geoffreyís words as truth. Many say that Geoffrey wrote Merlinís legendary

  • King Arthur

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    King Arthur, was he man of truth or myth? King Arthur was a real person, not just a fictional character. While many believe that King Arthur was a non-fictional character, others feel that he was a fictional character. This was because there is no written record of a King Arthur in any area where he was reportedly born or deceased. King Arthur was real because there many people recall King Arthur or who have known personal stories of him, his family, and the wars he so bravely participated in. There

  • Chretien de Troyes and Mabinogionfrage

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    The Mabinogion is a collection of eleven tales from the Welsh myths, preserved in two manuscripts, the White Book of Rhydderch and Red Book of Hergest. The tales from the Mabinogion are divided into three categories: the first four tales belong to the Four Branches; the next four are the Independent tales; and the last three are called the Three Romances, which show strong association to the French romances written by Chretien de Troyes. Historia Peredur ab Efrawg shares significant material in

  • The Origins of the Samurai and Bushido Codes

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    The Origins of the Samurai and Bushido Codes "Explain the meanings and discuss the concepts and origins of Samurai and Bushido code, then relate these concepts towards the modern Japanese Soldier and Leader during World War 2 and show evidence to support that the Japanese soldier treated enemy prisoners exploiting Samurai and Bushido traditions." Bushido - ???- the feudal-military Japanese code of behavior; the way of the warrior [samurai] Japanese chivalry [knighthood] In order to understand

  • A Fight For Freedom: Rosa Parks and Mahatma Ghandi

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    the bat-tle for integration in the southern United States. Gandhi led thousands of people to peacefully protest the unfair treatment of Indians by the British. Parks and Gandhi helped end discrimination through their participation in boycotts and marches. Both Rosa Parks and Mohandas Gandhi furthered the end of discrimination through their aid in boycotts. Through the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Parks resisted the Alabama laws dividing buses by race. On December 1, 1955 the boycott began to peacefully

  • Selma March

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    Dr. King said, “You may have the law on your side, but we have morality on our side” (Martin Luther King Jr.). Dr. King fought the long and hard battle in Selma, Alabama with a non-violence policy. Dr. King planned a protest march from Selma to the state capital of Montgomery, 54 miles away. King began the march on March 7, 1965. He organized a group of 600 people, but they were denied access by Alabama state troopers. The troopers hit them with whips, nightsticks, and tear gas limiting their ability

  • Biography of the Literary Works of Dylan Thomas

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    "Drunk with melody, and what the words were, he cared not." This was a very common view among early commentators about Dylan Thomas (Cox 1). Thomas was a poet who was either loved or hated. It depended on the individual, and how they viewed his poetry. He was very famous for his poetry because it contained visions of life, aspects of birth and death, fear, grief, joy, and beauty. At a younger age, Thomas was a very violent poet. As he grew older, he spoke for all men greatly when he wrote. He wrote

  • Welsh Language Census Report

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    Sociolinguistics LING 2150 Assessment 1 Use the census data available on Welsh to build up a picture of what happened to a chosen small area of Wales over a period for which data is available in the census. The focus of your discussion should be on the rise/fall/stability of the minority language. Try to use data about the age of speakers, and degree of literacy. For this essay, I plan to look at what has happened to the number of speakers of Welsh in both Swansea and the Lliw Valley over time by using census

  • Analysis and Discussion of the Representation of Women in the Welsh Novel of The Mabinogion

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    In this essay I will be analysing and discussing the representation of women in the Welsh novel of The Mabinogion, in particular; the portrayal of the calumniated wife, a theme which is recurrent through Medieval Welsh literature. I will focusing in particular on how women’s speech is represented and how their relationships with other women and men are portrayed. I will also be looking at different female protagonists’ self-government and autonomy throughout the four branches. Throughout my research

  • Trainspotting Friendship Quotes

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    status as somebody not to mess with, and their own, indirectly, through their association with him.” (Welsh, 430) They remain "friends" with Begbie solely for personal benefit. Begbie, in turn, uses his friends to gain power by taking advantage of their fear of him. Renton says “Begbie’s sense ay humour is solely activated at the misfortunes, setbacks, and weaknesses ay others, usually his friends,” (Welsh, 106) which shows that Begbie takes pleasure from having power over others and feels no empathy for

  • Contemporary Language Situation in Wales

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    Wales. Welsh had declined to a minority language status in Wales at the beginning of the 20th century but recent efforts carried out by the Welsh Government saw the language experience signs of revitalisation. I will consider the level of success of a possible revitalisation and the ways in which the country attempts to encourage it. I will refer to statistical data to support my arguments and apply the works of language theorists such as Joshua Fishman and David Crystal. I will explore the Welsh language

  • History Of Cardiff

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    The city of Cardiff in the year 1648 A.D. was actually a rather small town in Whales, with a population of around 1500, it was nowhere near being the most prominent Welsh town. Located on the coast with a river running close by, Cardiff had a small port used by fisherman mostly. This close proximity to the river and coast left Cardiff susceptible to damage from rising tides. Cardiff was a very fair town, with it's origins coming from a Roman fort by the name of Caer-Didi. This fort was abandoned

  • How Do the Makers of "Trainspotting" Depict British Youth Sub-culture?

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    exploitative self interest that characterises the everyday life of heroin addiction." (Petrie 90) Its' realistic style, use of language and unflinching portrayal of drug use was what first attracted me to look at it a bit closer. Based on the novel by Irvine Welsh, it tells the story of a group of working class unemployed drug addicts, focusing on their problems with heroin abuse, inability to get a job and family problems. Set in Edinburgh in the early nineties, Danny Boyle's (director) style is undoubtedly