Urinary incontinence Essays

  • The Urinary Incontinence Problem

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    Urinary incontinence is a common problem that is often under reported due to the embarrassing nature and social stigma attached. (Berman et al. 2003) It is classed as chronic disease which can pose a serious social problem. Kinchen et al. (2007) has carried out extensive research which shows that women in particular take a long time to report their symptoms. Urinary incontinence can have a considerable effect on an individual’s quality of life – but can be significantly improved with correct assessment

  • Urinary Incontinence Essay

    676 Words  | 2 Pages

    Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control and causes involuntary loss of urine. It affects many people and impacts the physical well-being, the quality of life, and emotional and social health of those affected. Many people with urinary incontinence use surgery/procedures and medication to successfully treat the condition. However, medication and surgery or medical procedures are ineffective or partially effective for some people with urinary incontinence. Thus, other urinary incontinence

  • The Urinary Incontinence ( Ui ) Device Market

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    Due to the breadth of the female urinary incontinence (UI) device market, categorizing it can aid in better understanding it. The first distinction to be made is between products which are designed to prevent urinary incontinence episodes, and those which are designed to manage them. Within the former category, exist products such as pharmaceuticals, surgical options, bulking agents, nerve stimulation devices, bladder supports and inserts. Within the UI management device category, we find devices

  • The role of Advanced Practice Nursing (APN)

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    practitioners (NPs) (Poghosyan, Lucero, Rauch, & Berkowitz, 2012). Urinary Incontinence (UI) is a prevalent medical problem in the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) estimates that about 25 percent of middle aged and postmenopausal women and about 75 percent of older women in nursing homes suffer from some form of UI... ... middle of paper ... ...audience. The NPs were able to get a good number of attendees on the urinary continence screening / awareness day by advertising on the

  • Gibbs Model Of Reflection In Nursing

    1930 Words  | 4 Pages

    The purpose of this essay is to reflect on my experience as an adult student nurse from a clinical setting in older adults using Gibbs (1988) model of reflection. Gibbs cycle is systematic , straight forward and encourages a clear description of the situation (Vaughan, no year). It will allow me to analyse and provide better understanding of my experience and draw conclusions relating to personal outcomes. Forrest (2008) described three purposes of reflection: to re-examine our understanding of knowledge

  • Understanding and Diagnosing Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

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    physical examinations, I can conclude that the diagnosis for this patient is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD). According to the International Urogynecological Association, there are multiple common diagnosis for PFD. It includes pelvic organ prolapse and urinary tract infection (Haylen, 2010). Three factors that contribute to this are childbirth, aging, and obesity. Eleanor’s increase in childbirth made her more prone to this disease. As a woman who gave birth twice, she is more likely to gain this disease

  • Incontinence Research Paper

    669 Words  | 2 Pages

    Incontinence can have a major impact on the quality of your life. You may find yourself altering your routine in various ways, including always searching for the nearest bathroom when in public, avoiding lengthy trips or becoming reluctant to leave home. You may find that you are awakened every hour or two to go to the bathroom, leaving you tired and sleepy all day. You may feel that incontinence is just something that you have to live with, but this is not the truth. There are many ways to deal

  • Overactive Bladder and Pregnancy

    635 Words  | 2 Pages

    Overactive Bladder and Pregnancy During pregnancy, most women may experience overactive bladder or urinary incontinence. This can be mild or infrequent, while for others, it can be severe that can eventually affect their daily routine. This type of incontinence experienced during pregnancy is known as stress incontinence. It is the loss of urine due to increased pressure on the bladder, which makes the bladder sphincter unable to function properly when it comes to holding urine. Pregnancy hormones

  • James Marion Sims Mythology

    1008 Words  | 3 Pages

    James Marion Sims was an American physician from the nineteenth century who seeked a cure for a disease women contained. He eventually developed the cure for vesicovaginal fistula. The question in which if he's a hero or villain still stands to this day, considering the fact that his patients were enslaved African American women. Rumors have it that he performed horrific acts on the patients. Even though he practiced human experimentation (which were very painful at the time), his intentions were

  • Essay On Uterine Prolapse

    987 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are a lot of women suffering from different types of prolapses with uterine being one of the most common and they do not seek medical attention due to being embarrassed or just scared. It is somewhat considered taboo and isn’t spoken of as often as say, having a hysterectomy or other female conditions. Most women are unaware of the symptoms and therefore don’t seek medical attention before it becomes a more serious issue that will most likely require surgery to fix. The definition of uterine

  • Hypovolemi A Case Study

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    results. With hypovolemia, your cells are fluid and electrolyte deprived and can either cause the lysing or crenation of your cells. One of the causes of hypovolemia is frequent loss of fluid, which coincides with our client’s diagnosis of urge incontinence. One of the electrolyte imbalances that our patient had was hypokalemia. Hypokalemia is a potassium level that is lower than the normal range or 3.5. Mild symptoms of hypokalemia include, abnormal heart rhythms (dysrhythmias), especially in people

  • Assessment and care of a Pediatric Client with Constipation

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    Assessment and Care of a Pediatric Client with Constipation Hinds Community College, Nursing Allied Health Center Assessment and Care of a Pediatric Client with Constipation Constipation is a subject that many people might feel uncomfortable speaking about, but this abnormality could have undesirable side effects. Brunner and Suddarth defines constipation as, “an abnormal infrequency or irregularity of defecation, abnormal hardening of stools that make their passage difficult

  • The Urinary System

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    The Urinary System How do the urinay system work ?? Your body takes nutrients from food and uses them to maintain all bodily functions including energy and self-repair. After your body has taken what it needs from the food, waste products are left behind in the blood and in the bowel. The urinary system works with the lungs, skin, and intestines--all of which also excrete wastes--to keep the chemicals and water in your body balanced. Adults eliminate about a quart and a half of urine each day

  • Artificial Urinary Sphincter (AUS)

    628 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction This guide contains information about using your artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) and about caring for yourself while you have one. Your health care provider may give you additional information. Call your health care provider if you have any problems or questions. What is an AUS? An AUS is a device that helps you control your urine. It is made up of three parts: A pump. A balloon. A fluid-filled cuff. The pump is the part of the AUS that is on your scrotum (if you are a man) or outside

  • Home Remedies For Uti Research Paper

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    Simple and effective home remedies for UTI (urinary infection) that can flow through the urethra to the kidneys bladder. Home Remedies For UTI Treatment The medical field highly recommends home remedies for UTI (urinary-tract infection) unless it is severe. The urinary tract is responsible for making urine and passing it out of the body. It is composed of the kidneys, ureters (tubes that move urine from kidneys to bladder), the bladder, and urethra. The presence of bacteria in

  • Epididymitis Case Study

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    associated with a urinary tract infection or urethritis. A positive result from urinalysis and culture, or urethral swab in sexually active adolescents, suggests the diagnosis. Chlamydia and gonococci are described as the classic causative agents in the sexually active individual; common urinary pathogens, however, including coliforms and Mycoplasma sp, are more probable in younger children. When studies suggest a bacterial infection, antibiotics are indicated. Just as for any urinary tract infection

  • Self Catheterization In Nursing

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    the complications that can occur based on non-adherence to a proper self-catheterization regimen. A spinal cord injury can cause an interruption in neural pathways which affect the function of the bladder causing urinary incontinence, urinary retention, urinary reflux, and recurrent urinary tract infections. These problems can ultimately lead to an increase in renal morbidity and mortality (Shaw & Logan, 2013) Later, in the discussion section of the article, the authors focus on the importance of

  • The Human Reproductive System

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    The Reproductive System allows for two individuals of the opposite sex to create a new being of their own. In humans we have two different types of reproductive systems, Male and Female. The female reproductive system’s goal is to produce and care for an egg till it is ready to be born. The male reproductive system’s goal is to produce semen to fertilize the egg. When this egg grows for about 9 months, it is born into the world. Without one or the other, a baby cannot be made. The Male Reproductive

  • Urinary Tract Infections: A Common Issue in Geriatric Healthcare

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    Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infections in the Geriatric Healthcare Setting A urinary tract infection (UTI) is defined as an infection of the kidneys, ureters, or bladder caused by microorganisms that either ascend from the urethra (95% of cases) or that spread to the kidney from the bloodstream (5%). About 7 million American patients visit health care providers each year because of Urinary tract infections. These infections commonly occur in otherwise healthy women, men with prostatic hypertrophy

  • Urinary System

    1828 Words  | 4 Pages

    Urinary System The urinary system has many different organs in order for it to work as a whole. Each organ does different functions. The urinary system consists of the two kidneys, the two ureters, the bladder, the two sphincter muscles, the nerves in the bladder, and the urethra. After your body takes what it needs from the food you eat waste products are then left behind in the blood. The urinary system works with the lungs, skin, and intestines to keep the chemicals and water in your body balanced