Tonsillectomy Essays

  • Informative Speech On Tonsillectomy

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    Introduction A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy is a surgery to remove your child's tonsils and adenoids. It is also known as an adenotonsillectomy. Tonsils and adenoids are collections of lymphoid tissue at the back of the throat. This procedure is often done when nonsurgical treatments have not been able to resolve problems such as: A blocked airway. Recurring ear, nose, or throat infections. Growth of a cancerous tumor. Problems with how head and facial structures were formed (deformity). Tell

  • Adenotonsillar Hypertrophy Case Study

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    Pediatric Case Study Adenotonsillar Hypertrophy with OSA PVT Corbin Lauda 1. Client Demographics a. Age: 2-year-old b. Gender: Male c. Marital Status/Significant others: Single d. Primary Language: English, but behind because hearing loss due to repeat ear infections. e. Religion: No preference f. Barriers to care: i. Noted in home life, past medical history, social history, etc.… ii. Developmental Stage and development history issues: Autonomy vs. shame and doubt/failure to thrive

  • The Challenge of Cultural Relativism: The Elements of Moral Philosophy.

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    Consequentialism is a moral theory which is founded on the premise that an action is morally right if the outcomes of such actions maximize the good and minimize the bad. In contrast, Non-consequentialism is derived from the premise that some actions are inherently right or wrong. As these theories can derive either identical or varied conclusions in morally ambiguous situations, the conclusions in themselves, while important, can not be considered evidence for the theory’s value. Hence, as we can

  • The Tragedy of Teenage Abortion

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    well-known English criminologist, was quoted saying abortion should be treated like a tonsillectomy. It's a minor operation to remove unwanted or harmful "tissue growth". Both tissues are alive, and contain material substances, chemical compounds, DNA and RNA molecules. They may vary a little, but they are mainly matter which is composed of cells which are composed of chemicals (1-2). The only difference between a tonsillectomy and an abortion is that the fetus can grow and develop into a human being much

  • Understanding Your Tonsils

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    be taken while removing the tonsils since in cases of poor operations; severe complications are usually experienced by the victims of the infection... ... middle of paper ... ... A tonsillectomy was once a common procedure to treat infection and inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis). Today, a tonsillectomy is usually performed when tonsillitis occurs frequently or doesn't respond to other treatments. The procedure is usually performed as an outpatient surgery. That means the patient should

  • Jahi Mcmath Case Summary

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    Main Facts: Jahi McMath is a 13 year old girl that is brain dead. She went into coma on December 9th, 2013 at the Children’s Hospital in Oakland, California following complications from a tonsillectomy. She went into cardiac arrest and suffered a brain hemorrhage. New York doctors urge hope for brain dead Jahi McMath by Joel Landau. Applications of Ethical Principles: Autonomy allows patients to refuse medical treatment (Aiken, 2009, p. 125). In this case the patient is a minor child and the

  • Exploring Evidence Based Practice

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    Introduction In this assignment as detailed in the module eleven handbook (South Trent School of Operating Department Practice, 2012) the author will aim to explore and describe the principles and methods of scientific enquiry that underpin Evidence Based Practice (EBP). Research and evaluate the choice of the various methods that can be used within the healthcare and theatre based setting and relate these practices to the Operating Department Practitioners (ODP’s) Standards of Proficiency (Health

  • Sleep Deprivation and Test Scores

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    carbon dioxide to see if they were suffering from sleep apnea. He found that fifty-four of the children were indeed suffering from sleep apnea. Of that fifty-four, twenty-four were medically treated for their sleep apnea by undergoing surgical tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. After observing the grades of all the children for one year after the study, it was determined that the average grades of the children who had sleep apnea and were medically treated increased overall, while the grades of the

  • Women Have the Right to Abortion

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    The issue of abortion has always been a controversial one for citizens of the United States. Abortion is the practice of terminating a pregnancy after the embryo has been planted in the uterus (Abortion). An individual’s stance on this controversial issue categorizes them into one of two very different groups. An individual who feels that a woman should not have an abortion- due to moral or religious views- is said to be “pro-life”. Coincidently, those who feel that a woman should have the right

  • Paralysis Epidemic of the 1950s: Poliomyelitis

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    can only be prevented with vaccination. Poliomyelitis is a virus that infects the nerves of the spinal cord, and brain which leads to paralysis and or death (Piddock, 2004). Poliomyelitis is best known today as Polio, and Infantile Paralysis. Tonsillectomy polio would take over the lymph nodes in order to spread the infection throughout the body, leading to muscle paralysis in the limbs, and in some cases respiratory failure. Bulbar polio was a much more severe form, it affected the top of the spinal

  • Becoming A Doctor Essay

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    Of course, the ones that are in need will earn more. The doctors that earn the most are surgeons. Doctors that perform tonsillectomies will earn less than plastic surgeons, and plastic surgeons will earn less than cardiovascular surgeons and neurosurgeons. Anesthesiologists, who give the patients shots during surgery, earn around $250,000 a year. The fields that require more

  • Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks Essay

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    Individuals think that when "you go to the doctor to have an appendectomy, tonsillectomy, or any other kind of ectomy" (Skloot 315) then that information that was removed or used is later on just trashed, but in reality that information that belongs to you is kept and later on is used in hospitals, laboratories, and used by scientists

  • End Life Support Controversy

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    A young girl undergoing a tonsillectomy at Children’s Hospital in Oakland, California, experienced blood loss and went into cardiac arrest. Jahi was originally declared brain-dead, and controversy arose, between the hospital and her family, whether to keep her alive on life support

  • Comprehensive Health Assessment: A Case Study

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    The author of this paper conducted a comprehensive health assessment of patient and portrayed in the first section of this paper .second section explains about the variables such as age, spiritual values and cultural variables affects the heath and health history interviews. In this section the author indicates that by understanding and respecting of patients culture, traditions, practice of community, as well deep personal awareness helps to avoid unconscious bias and imbalances between clinician

  • Sybil

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    In the movie Sybil, Sally Field portrays a woman who survived severe sexual abuse as a child by her paranoid schizophrenic mother, Hattie Dorsett. This is an unbelievable true story about a young woman who suffered from Multiple Personalities (Dissociative Identity Disorder). Sybil developed sixteen different personalities as a result of being a victim of childhood abuse. Despite the trauma Sybil had went through she was a shy and caring substitute teacher. She decided to reach out for help when

  • Human Life Beginning at Conception - a Religious View Only? abortion argumentative persuasive

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    involved in abortion? There are many who say that there is not, that the preborn child is just a mass of tissue, a part of the woman's body. If this were the case, then no one would have any reason to oppose abortion any more than they would oppose tonsillectomies or appendectomies.   But is that the case? Developments in the science of fetology have given us greater opportunities than ever to learn about the preborn. We know that the baby has a completely different circulatory system than the mother

  • Clinical Alarm Systems: A Case Study

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    The Dangers of Clinical Alarm Systems The act of doing good, also known as beneficence, is a major role of the nurse. No matter what a nurse does, he or she must demonstrate beneficence in everything he or she does. However, healthcare agencies are not perfect and there are some topics that the Joint Commission has decided could be improved on. They have formulated a list of goals focused primarily on improving nursing care. This list is called the National Patient Safety Goals. One of these goals

  • David Knight Reflection Essay

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    Dr. Knight Reflective Essay Today’s interview with Dr. David Knight literally made my day and put a smile on my face. I have been stressing over the last two-month thinking, did I do the right thing, should I have come back to school? Over the las two week I started to ease my stress by bridging out of my comfort zone, I soon realized I was not the only one out there feeling the way I did. I made friends who have helped me with my confidence level and have a circle of motivation. During the interview

  • Abortion Is Not Strictly the Woman's Private Matter

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    Abortion Is Not Strictly the Woman's Private Matter When it is said that abortion is just a woman's issue, we forget that there are two people involved in creating a child. Fathers are continually overlooked and disregarded in situations involving abortion. Many would say that a father is not affected by the woman's choice to have an abortion. Legally, fathers are responsible for providing prenatal support for their preborn child, but have no legal rights if the mother decides to terminate

  • Abortion Essay - Roe v. Wade and Morality

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    Roe v. Wade and Morality Michael Pearce Pfeifer in "Abandoning Error: Self-Correction by the Supreme Court," states the impact of Roe v. Wade on morals: Seldom, if ever, has a single Supreme Court decision so decisively transformed American constitutional history or so altered the relationship between law and morals - both public and private. Roe v. Wade established within the Constitution a doctrine that has entirely legitimized what had previously been almost universally condemned: