The Nails Essays

  • Nails And Manicure

    854 Words  | 2 Pages

    Nails and Their Care, Now and Then By Jessie Sporer It's been said that the beginnings of a beautiful look start with your hands and feet. Long throughout our history women have been getting manicures and pedicures to enhance the look of their nails. A complete nail beauty routine will leave the nails cleaned, groomed, decorated and/or polished nails. Above just the decoration factor, how the nails are done can sometimes indicative of a persons station in life as we will see a bit later in this

  • The Importance Of Nails

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    Nails, when decorated with nail polish and nail arts are beautiful and makes any woman gush out with self-confidence. But do you know that your nail’s natural texture, shape, and color tells something about your current health status? Even the natural growth rate of your nails gives clues and signs of underlying health risks. Although nail symptoms are typically harmless, others can be suggestive of chronic ailments, including cancer. According to American Academy if Dermatolgy: "Nails often reflect

  • Nail Care

    891 Words  | 2 Pages

    Taking Care of Hands and Feet Nail care was different during the ancient times through 1900s. Most women and men do not go into the nail shop for the importance of taking of their hands and feet. If they are really concerned, they should talk to someone about it instead of putting it aside. If they do not get help right away, it can cause many problems such as infections, diseases, and even both. It all started during the ancient roman times. At the time, nail care was part of aristocracy and

  • Nail Art

    523 Words  | 2 Pages

    How to choose a good nail brush? Nail art has emerged as one of the many popular ideas for nails among teenagers today. They can also be shaped and configured so as to form an extension. We will introduce some trendy nail liveries here. Designer nails can really make you look fashionable and elegant. Nail art is one way to make your nails look really good, and everyone experimented with the most models, because the need or opportunity seasons. Nail art is best filmed by professionals, but you can

  • Nails Research Paper

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    A nail, a short or a long piece of metal, brass or copper that gets hit on the head with a hammer, can be used for so many different purposes. Construction workers, a builder or even a handyman uses nails for building houses, building items such as a bird house or a shed, and even building furniture and making home repairs. I am someone who enjoys hands on activities and I absolutely love building things and a nail is my best friend because without a nail, what would hold a house together? A simple

  • A Career as a Nail Technician

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    Nail Technician Many people like to do hands on things, for example a nail technician. When you like to work with people and able to make them feel better about themselves. Many people can walk into your store feeling down, well you as the nail technician can change that if they like the way you did the job and then also like it. At the end you are going to make your customer satisfied and you are going to also feel satisfied knowing that you did your job the best you could. Nail technician need

  • Nail Polish Essay

    1491 Words  | 3 Pages

    Nails define personality. Nail polishes are an essential part of elegant and groomed looks for every girl. They are one of the biggest accessories, and high selling makeup products. Nail art today has become a trend. It helps to create a pulled together look, and symbolize trend and creativity. Who wouldn’t want to make a style in today’s business and social world? The most expensive nail polish in the world was created by Azature, which cost $250,000 and consisted of 267 real black diamond carats

  • Nail Art Research Paper

    1177 Words  | 3 Pages

    you don't want to head to the salon to get some beautiful nail art done, there are certainly ways you can do it yourself at home. DIY nail art has advantages over going to a salon. It's less expensive, and you can try a new design every few days if you like. With the following nail art ideas, you could keep yourself looking stylish and unique for a very long time. You'll get compliments and people questioning how and where you got your nails done. You can proudly say you did it yourself. 1. Zig Zag

  • Nail Polish Case Study

    1106 Words  | 3 Pages

    Nail Polish Remover Pen Have you ever gotten nail polish in the crease of your finger and finger nail that you just can’t seem to get the polish removed? The Precise Nail Polish Corrector is just the answer. This pen can come in handy for many people including nail salons, cosmetic schools, cosmetic salons, and everyday men and women who use nail polish. This product gives the consumer that extra precise cleanup, when nail polish gets in the not so easy to reach spots. Painting nails just got easier

  • Persuasive Essay On Nail Salons

    871 Words  | 2 Pages

    imagine your whole outfit being on point from head to toe, except your nails. Ew right. You shouldn’t have to do this these things with plain and boring nails, when a trip to your local nail salon is affordable, convenient and quick. The nail salon is a place where women go to get their nails, feet and face done. Each nail salon is different and varies in price, but most nail salons offer the same services. When you first walk in the nail salon you are greeted by the person who works behind the front desk

  • The Pros and Cons to Artificial Nails

    725 Words  | 2 Pages

    Artificial nails have been around since the Ming Dynasty of China as a status symbol in the Chinese society. Today artificial nails are used as fashion accessories and extensions to the natural nails. Artificial nails come with a long list of pros and cons that you have to into consideration when taking this route with your natural nails. There a various types of fake nails to choose from with unique cosmetic appeal. But with everything that is appealing comes with a few drawbacks that ranges from

  • Nail Bed Injuries

    833 Words  | 2 Pages

    The nail bed is the soft tissue under a fingernail or toenail that is the origin for new nail growth. Various types of injuries can occur at the nail bed. These injuries may involve bruising or bleeding under the nail, cuts (lacerations) in the nail or nail bed, or loss of a part of the nail or the whole nail (avulsion). In some cases, a nail bed injury accompanies another injury, such as a break (fracture) of the bone at the tip of the finger or toe. Nail bed injuries are common in people who have

  • History of Nail Polish

    668 Words  | 2 Pages

    Anywhere you go in the world today, you see women with nails that are painted in so many different colors and designs. Nail polish dates back to the 1920’s when the first modern day nail varnish was invented by the Charles Revson Company. This particular invention has impacted the cosmetics market for women, because every women who wants to be stylish and express themselves in a fun way, buys nail polish. Nail varnishes have many components to make it both safe and user friendly. Some of the chemical

  • The True Meaning Behind That Layer Of Blue Nail Polish

    567 Words  | 2 Pages

    The True Meaning Behind that Layer of Blue Nail Polish When the red-based shades such as pink and orange were the only type of nail polish females dared to wear, I remember wondering if in the near future they'd dare switch to completely new shades such as blue or green. Now that day and age has come when all different shades of blue can be seen painted on teens' nails. Yet, this new choice of blue isn't just another craze of the moment. Rather, it symbolizes something slightly deeper. This latest

  • Do You Really Need A Base Coat For Nail Polish

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    A base coat for nail polish will make your nail polish last longer. This is because base coats contain more cellulose chemicals to make the product sticky. The product sticks to the nail and polish. This allows the polish to be more flexible and allows the base coat to move with the nail as it bends. Without this sticky, elastic surface for the color to adhere to, the manicure would chip a lot faster. Per Murphy (Do You Really Need to Use Basecoat, 2015), Dr. Heidi Waldorf, director of laser and

  • Painting Nails : Creative Outlet For Self Expression

    834 Words  | 2 Pages

    Painting nails is a creative outlet for self-expression and can aid in complementing one’s style; complex techniques and designs have emerged throughout the evolution of nail painting, but can be easily tackled with a systematic approach. As one dives into nail painting endeavors, it is easy to make a mistake and become frustrated. Obstacles ranging from difficulty in painting with one’s non dominant hand to accidentally smudging the paint may push one to abandon the effort altogether. Fortunately

  • Nine Inch Nails versus Johnny Cash

    1368 Words  | 3 Pages

    Which Version Of “Hurt” Would You Prefer? Nine Inch Nails versus Johnny Cash The song “Hurt” written by Trent Reznor and originally performed by his band Nine Inch Nails is a melancholy, haunting song. Nine Inch Nails’ version was recorded in 1994 and rerecorded and released by Johnny Cash in 2002. Each of the performers has a style, which some people would argue is at opposite ends of the spectrum of popular music; one is what is referred to as “Industrial Rock”, the other is country. Indeed

  • Nine Inch Nails 'Best Rock Song Hurt' By Johnny Cash

    778 Words  | 2 Pages

    In 1995 “Hurt” was released by Nine Inch Nails on the album “The Downward Spiral”. The song was written by Trent Reznor and was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Rock Song in 1996. In 2002 Johnny Cash recorded a cover of that same song which quickly became an ode to his life and death. The two versions of the song, much like the artists who provide the versions, are completely different yet, still the same. The song takes on new meaning when performed by Johnny Cash, however, it still retains

  • Papers On Operant Conditioning

    620 Words  | 2 Pages

    the habit is needed. An undesirable behavior that affects many children and adults through out the world is nail-biting. Nail biting, also known as onychophagia, is defined as a nervous affliction or neurosis in which the free edges of the nails are bitten down (Davis 1265). In other words, For one to bite their nails they must put one or more fingers in their mouth and bite on their nail with their teeth. Although this activity may not seem like a problem, there are several complications that can

  • How Light Affects the Stomatal Opening in a Leaf

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    container e.g. "LIGHT." Clip two leaves from this plant. Prepare casts of the leaves surfaces by painting the adaxial (top surface) of one leaf and the abaxial (bottom surface) of the other leaf with clear nail polish. Allow the nail polish to dry for approximately 10 minutes. While the nail polish is drying, label microscope slides as either adaxial (top of the leaf) or abaxial (bottom of the leaf). Cut a piece of sellotape approximately 1.5 cm in length. Fold the tape over on itself leaving