Symbolaw Essays

  • symbolaw Symbols and Symbolism - Birds as a Symbol in The Awakening

    592 Words  | 2 Pages

    Birds as the Symbol of Bondage and Freedom in The Awakening Birds that are enclosed in cages indicate solitude and bondage; those that roam in the open air above the seas represent freedom and happiness. The captivity or freedom of these animals is the symbolism that Chopin uses to illustrate the captivity Edna experiences from society and the freedom she desires.  Through this vivid bird imagery in her novel The Awakening, Chopin elucidates the struggle and freedom Edna encounters. From

  • symbolaw Symbols and Symbolism - Clothing as a Symbol in The Awakening

    838 Words  | 2 Pages

    Use of Clothing as a Symbol in The Awakening In the novel, The Awakening, Kate Chopin takes Edna Pontellier on a journey of self-discovery. In doing this, she uses many symbols to show the relationship between Edna and the world. Clothing, or rather, the lack thereof, displays this relationship well. As Edna progresses throughout the novel, she discards more and more layers of the confining ìclothingî that surrounds her body and soul. By taking off her clothing, one piece at a time, she disobeys