Spermatic cord Essays

  • Essay On Testicular Torsion

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    save the testicle. Testis torsion happens when the spermatic cord that provides blood flow to the testicle that turns and becomes twisted. Usually cold temperatures, a medical condition, exercise can cause testis torsion it also can be caused when the person is a sleep, when the testis grow rapidly during puberty and after they have had an injury to their scrotum. Although, sometimes the cause is not know of why this happens. When the spermatic cord becomes twisted it cuts off the blood supply to the

  • Epididymitis Case Study

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    anticholinergic or alpha-antagonist medication is effective. Henoch-Scho¨nlein purpura is a vasculitic syndrome that can affect the skin, joints, gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary system. Pain, erythema, and swelling of the scrotum and spermatic cord occur in up to one third of patients. The swelling seems to occur more commonly in boys younger than 7 years of age. Scrotal findings and onset of pain may mimic testicular torsion, but Doppler ultrasonography reveals good blood flow to the testes

  • Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Importance of Order in Knight's Tale

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    some punning going on in that line: Now draw the cut (short) straw, for it is my wish. The words "cord" and "accord" were both used in Middle English, so we may be able to find some double meaning there as well. If indeed Harry wishes to give the Knight the "cord," there are several interesting cases to think on: a) the cord is simply the short straw, b) the cord is the hangman's rope, or c) the cord is a unit of wood cut for fuel. The hangman's rope would make for subtle sarcasm, but... ... middle

  • Nick Joaquin's The Woman Who Had Two Navels

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    In the of the story, it started when Connie went to Pepe’s place for consultation. The problem of Connie is how to remove her other navel. Because if she (if ever) give birth, where would the other umbilical cord be connected. Connie told Pepe the story about her child hood times. Pepe talked to Señiora de Vidal, and verything that Señiora de Vidal told Pepe exactly the opposite of what Connie told Pepe. Some things that Señiora de Vidal told Pepe, was that Connie only have a navel, her navel was

  • lumbar disc problems

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    the nature of the injury. While these surgeries partially remove disc material affecting the spinal cord, another type of surgery is used to remove the disc entirely and replace it with prosthetics. Still, there are alternative treatments including chiropractic care, acupuncture, and physical therapy that are increasing in popularity. Due to the sensitivity and vulnerability of the spinal cord, the diagnosis and treatments have a moderate risk of failure, and force a patient to explore numerous

  • Jazz

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    Performers of jazz improvise within the conventions of their chosen style. Improvisation gave jazz a personalized, individualized, and distinct feel. Most jazz is based on the principle that an infinite number of melodies can fit the cord progressively of any cord. The twenties were a crucial period in the history of music. Revolutions, whether in arts or matter of state, create a new world only by sacrificing the old. By the late twenties, improvisation had expanded to the extent of improvisation

  • The Human Perception of Pain in Conjunction with the Mind-Body Problem

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    that pain is actually a perception. The second, is the brain mediates the suppression of pain through a "gate" in the spinal cord. Lastly, since pain is a perception, the mind may decide the degree to which the "gate" is open, which therefore influences to amount of pain reaching the brain. Recent research provides evidence that certain brain structures mediate the spinal cord gate. Still controversial is whether receptivity to pain is biological in origin and completely dependent on the brain, or

  • Bungee Jumping

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    Bungee Jumping Bungee jumping is a sport that has dramatically evolved over the past couple decades. Bungee jumping has evolved into a sport of art and thrill. As a tribal tradition, the ritual was soon incorporated with a bungee cord. Bungee jumping spread rapidly throughout the world, ever-growing in popularity. Detailed designs and engineering have helped to take bungee jumping to all new limits. An array of prices depicts a variety of heights, harnesses, and locations of sites. Bungee jumping

  • Friction

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    in contact with the road. Different patterns of treads are made for different uses and conditions, such as snow tires, or rain tires. There are two basic types of tires: the bias ply and the radial ply design. The bias ply has the plies (layers of cord impregnated with rubber) criss-crossed. This makes the casing strong in all directions; but the plies have a tendency to rub against each other. This conducts heat and tire “squirm” and the tires wear more rapidly and provide less traction. The radial

  • Steps in building a shed

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    to work in. Adding insulation in the walls will keep out the cold and maintain cool in the heat. Since there will probably be power tools that need electricity to run the shed should have some sort of electric source. You can simply run an extension cord from your house to the shed as a cheap alternative. If you are looking for something more professional and permanent, electric outlets can be installed inside the shed. most people are not electricians this should not be attempted by any novice do-it

  • The Impact of ICT on a Person with Special Needs

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    is closed to protect the spinal cord, a bundle of nerves that send messages back and forth between your brain and the rest of your body. The messages tell your muscles to move so you can go such things as kick a ball or lift up a pencil. The messages tell you about the sensations on your skin, you know to pull your hand away from fire. When a baby is growing inside its mother, the spine and spinal cord are developing. But sometimes part of the spinal cord and spine don't grow the way they

  • Stem Cell Research

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    routinely discarded after the birth could one day be life saving for that person, someone else in the family, or even a complete stranger. This material is the umbilical cord, and the blood contained within their vessels. One may wonder, why is this blood so important? Medical research has discovered that the residual umbilical cord blood contains stem cells. These cells are the building blocks that the body uses to create some of the key components of the human immune system, blood and bone marrow

  • Informative Speech: Spinal Cord Injuries

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    To inform my audience about people in the United States living with spinal cord injuries There are about a quarter of a million people in the United States living with spinal cord injuries. In addition, between 7,600 and 10,000 new injuries occur each year. Nearly half of these new injuries will occur in young people between the ages of 16 and 30. I have become very interested in the research to find a cure for spinal cord injuries and hope to share some of the information I found with you today

  • Reversing Stroke and Spinal Cord Damage

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    Reversing Stroke and Spinal Cord Damage Scientists are on the brink of doing the unthinkable-replenishing the brains of people who have suffered strokes or head injuries to make them whole again. If that is not astonishing enough, they think they may be able to reverse paralysis. The door is at last open to lifting the terrifying sentence these disorders still decree-loss of physical function, cognitive skills, memory, and personality. Until recently there was virtually nothing doctors could

  • My Computer Will Not Turn On

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    Introduction So as a user who just built a computer, I used a full size ATX motherboard with 2 DDR3 4GB cards, Intel i7-4940MX 64 bit, AMD Radeon R9 graphics card. I tried turning my computer on and nothing happens. The fan comes on for a brief second then shuts off. I should also say that when I hit the power button no LEDs come on. There are also no beeps when I hit the power button. And finally the screen does not come on as well. I have made sure all the plugs in the back are in the right jack

  • Amyotophic Lateral Sclerosis Case Study

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    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Case Study On December 1, 2012, a patient by the name of John Dough walks into the medical assistant’s office. The patient is five foot 11 inches tall, currently he is 70 years old and weighs approximately 211 pounds. The patient has no known allergies does not smoke and has a relatively clean health record. After filling out the patient medical history forms, the patient is seen by the doctor. The patient explains to the doctor that lately he has had trouble

  • The Effects of Marijuana on the Brain

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    bronchodilatory, and anti-convulsant, which is why THC is used for medicinal purposes. THC is used as a popular treatment for glaucoma by reducing ocular pressure, and for neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Huntington's Disease, and spinal cord injury (4). The THC acts on the receptors of the endocannabinoids. Two known endocannabinoi... ... middle of paper ... ... the "munchies" a physiological effect of marijuana use, or just a psychological effect? Though I did not get an answer

  • Dealing With Having Back Surgery

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    lower lumbar section of my back. Tedious Examination done by a group of doctors concluded I had a crippling disease of the spinal column called spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal that causes compression of the spinal cord. (Lohr,1) If this disease was ignored any longer, it would lead to many other problems affecting other areas of my back to help support this weakness. It was an extremely rare case for an athlete my age.

  • Physical Therapy

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    Teaching home exercises, preparing rehab programs, and explaining how to use assistive devices are the acute care therapist's main jobs. On the other hand, neuro-rehab physical therapists deal with patients who have long-term injuries, such as spinal cord injuries. Finally, outpatient physical therapists are usually self-employed and generally treat patients in the home. ("Information" 7) All three types of physical therapists perform the same general tasks. The goal of physical therapy is to help patien

  • Cervical Injury Essay

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    the neck due to a rapid, forceful, backwards motion6 • May involve the following: 6 ○ Injury to vertebral and paravertebral structures (fractures, dislocations, ligamentous tears, and disc disruption/subluxation) ○ Spinal cord injury (traumatic central cord syndrome secondary to cord compression or vascular insult) ○ Vascular injury (vertebral artery or carotid artery dissection) ○ Soft tissue injury around cervical spine (cervical strain/sprain) CLASSIFICATION • Cervical Injury classification25 ○ Major