Shannon County, South Dakota Essays

  • Lakota Struggles Essay

    787 Words  | 2 Pages

    reservation located in South Dakota. Originally included within the territory of the Great Sioux Reservation, Pine Ridge was established in 1889 in the southwestern region of South Dakota on the border of Nebraska. Currently it consists of 3,468 square miles of land and is the eighth largest reservation in the United States, Delaware and Rhode Island combined are not even as large as this reservation. Pine Ridge contains all of Shannon County, along with the southern half of Jackson County and the Northwestern

  • ICWA and the social welfare of native americans

    1549 Words  | 4 Pages

    The abuse of children of any kind is unacceptable, regardless of one’s culture. When looking at the Native American culture, the indigenous people of this land we have come to call America, there has been a debate spanning decades in terms of what should be done to keep an abused child who has to be taken away from the birth parents, within their own culture (the Native American culture). In 1978, the United States Congress and the President of the United States at the time, Jimmy Carter, enacted