Santa Monica Essays

  • The Santa Monica Bay Restoration

    699 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Santa Monica Bay Restoration Pollution is a worldwide catastrophe that contaminates or destroys every living and non-living thing in its path. The earth is designed to constantly balance itself allowing plant and animal life the ability to thrive. Unfortunately when bombarded with chemicals, heavy metals and unnatural human waste, the earth exceeds its critical load and irreversible damage occurs. There are literally thousands of areas that have been negatively effected by the numerous types

  • Analysis Of Santa Monica Pier

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    Andrea Fletcher Professor Lisa McBride English 121 2 October 2017 Santa Monica Pier: The End of Route 66 The California coastline is full of many beautiful beaches and breathtaking views. One of these places is the Santa Monica Pier, which is one of the oldest piers in California and has a rich history of change and resilience in spite of many challenges to its survival. If you arrive early in the morning before tourists swarm the amusement park side of the pier, the charm and nostalgia

  • My Road Trip

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    Road trips were the highlight of my summers when I was young. It was a ritual I looked forward to in the summertime because it meant my family and I would travel to other cities and states. My mother was always in charge of choosing the destination, while my father would be in charge of all the driving. Somehow my father approved of that. Once I knew where we were going, I would start packing right away even if we had months left. I still don 't know why I did that, maybe because of all the excitement

  • Descriptive Essay About Santa Monica

    543 Words  | 2 Pages

    The very beautiful Santa Monica (1) Santa Monica has one of the best California coasts you will see. It is located on the west side of Los Angeles. It offers a wide variety and diverse business economy and unequaled quality of life for the residents and of course the visitors from other states countries. (2) This is a great place of the high profile of corporate businesses and a home of hi-tech entertainment district, beautiful and fine beaches, five star hotels, good restaurants and some

  • USC Personal Statement

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    Universal Studios, Griffith Observatory, Hollywood Sign and the Hollywood Walk of Fame but there is much more. Some activities you can do in Los Angeles is go to Universal Studios Hollywood, go to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, or go to the Santa Monica Bay. The University of Southern California is large in size. It is

  • An Unexpected Adventure at Santa Monica Beach

    1217 Words  | 3 Pages

    BEHAVIOR EXPLANATION # 1 1. Behavior Observation/Description (5 pts) On August 16, 2014, my three best friends: Annel, her boyfriend Kevin, and Jada called me around noon to let me know that they will swing by my house to kidnap me to go to Santa Monica Beach. Once we got there, we were all amazed at how the beach was crowded and filled with people. This is the first sign of my worry for Annel because she is clumsy and would easily get lost, not to mention she is diabetic and can faint in this heat

  • Pursuing A Degree In The Entertainment Industry

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    Musicians Institute in 2009, I felt that I needed more knowledge in order to be successful. I researched ways to combine my entertainment knowledge and business techniques I was lacking. Soon enough, I was taking business classes at Santa Monica College in Santa Monica CA. After a few radical changes in my life, I was getting ready to transfer to a University, and this is when I learned of the opportunities Walden University had to offer. Many institutions from around the world makes it difficult

  • California Dreaming

    1279 Words  | 3 Pages

    are quite diverse. I believe that the diversion is what helps the communities of California radiate their poise. Likewise, California is probably the most extroverted municipal in the United States of America. For instance, in my home town of Santa Monica there's always different types of people hanging out and having a gregarious time. There are usually the cool people who would go clubbing or bar hopping every weekend and end up looking like a hot mess. Relatively speaking that's one of my friends

  • Lavishing Escapade in Los Angeles

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    Beach, Santa Monica Beach, Leo Carrillo State Beach, Venice Beach and many other places are among the places that are working as the magnet for travellers in LA. Festivals The star city of California shares a variety of festivals with travellers and one can enjoy many of the cultural, regional and religious festivals in LA during holidays in California. To witness the real zeal and style of trend-setter Los Angeles, one can attend Chinese New Year, Brazilian Carnival, Academy Awards, Santa Clarita

  • Saving the Ballona Wetlands

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    ecosystem’. Although degraded over the years it still functions as a normal natural wetland - providing vital services. A major function it provides is that it filters out toxic wastes and pollutants from stormwater runoff before they reach the Santa Monica Bay. It is "a coastal plain, and acts as a flood plain for the surrounding area" (FOBW Information folder 1998: Fact Sheet). Ballona is an integral part of the Pacific flyaway, providing vital feeding and nesting habitat for over 185 species of

  • The City of Los Angeles

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    Los Angeles is a city with a large population which consists of a substantial number of immigrants. A wide range of immigrants from around the world have settled in Los Angeles making it one of the most diverse cities in this country. Many citizens of Los Angeles have strong arguments on whether or not an immigration reform is beneficial or if it is going to harm the city and its residents. The topic of immigration is of great importance because it is an issue that Los Angeles has experience for

  • meow

    679 Words  | 2 Pages

    On the summer afternoon after graduation, I sat on my bed listening to Nirvana on vinyl, fresh and green at 18. I looked around at the room that had come to define the last years of my childhood. Pictures I had torn from magazines and books were pasted together in a huge collage that masked the white walls of my bedroom. An organized barrage of lyrics, articles, photographs and drawings had come to occupy those once stark divisions. It was beautiful, because it was just like me. A methodical madness

  • Marilyn Monroe

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    Her good friend and photographer George Barris, lost his shoe on the beach right before their departure from there, so Marilyn told him that the ocean apparently needed it more than he did, so they both threw their shoes in the ocean and left Santa Monica beach forever. Marilyn Monroe was found dead in her Brentwood home, on August 5, 1962 officially a victim of barbiturate overdose. Marilyn was 36. At 36, she made a statement- “I’m thirty-six and I’m just getting started.” She overdosed

  • Sunny Southern California

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    20-minute bike ride, 15 minutes on roller blades, or a two-minute cruise in your convertible. A small strip of land that is divided as well as the Northwest Ordinances; the clear-cut separation between the groups is inevitable. Even though this journey in Santa Monica’s Venice Beach only takes up less than a half mile of land, it feels like you have just traveled the world in 80 days, and have covered 25,000 miles. As my brother and I passed the luxury of Malibu, the scenery suddenly shifted as I mov...

  • Charles Manson and the Manson Family

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    walking her poodle in the spring of 1967, that she met a man who had only weeks before walked out of a federal penitentiary. (Brunner) Perhaps the most well known of the "Manson girls" is Lynette Alice Fromme. She was born on October 22, 1948 in Santa Monica, California. Her mother, Helen Benzinger Fromme, was a homemaker and her father, William Millar Fromme, was an aeronautical engineer. Her father was known to be cold and intimidating; his treatment of his growing daughter was very harsh. Upon moving

  • James Dean

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    school, his strong points were debate and drama. On April 14, 1949 the Fairmont News read, "James Dean First Place Winner in Dramatic Speaking." He also graduated high school in June of that same year. Dean then moved back to California and attended Santa Monica City College and lived with his father and step mother, where he majored in prelaw. Dean earned Cs and Ds in law classes, but As and Bs in acting. That following year, he transferred to the University of California to study theatre, but he later

  • Women, Sports and Stereotypes

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    actually choose to abandon a blossoming sports career in favour of something more 'socially acceptable'). However, when we first meet the female heroine in almost all the movies, she is a young tomboy. The figures of Jess in 'Bend It Like Beckham' or Monica in 'Love and Basketball' are remarkably similar as children. They both wear boyish clothes, shun typically girly clothing, and prefer to spend their time with boys. Of course, the movies make it amply clear that these girls only want to play sports

  • The Tomorrow City by Monica Hughes

    574 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Tomorrow City by Monica Hughes The plot of this book centres around two adolescents, David and Caro and an evil supercomputer which aspires to control the futuristic city of Thompsonville.  Dr. Henderson, Caro's Father creates the "perfect" computer designed to solve all of the problems of Thompsonville by gaining almost complete power of the city.  The computer then begins to make rash decisions of it's own. It decides that humans are incapable of making decisions of there own and

  • AI vs Frankenstein

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    mechas-to serve them. An ambitious Professor succeeds in building David, an artificial kid, the first of its kind programmed to provide endless love for its adopter. David is adopted by Monica as a substitute for her real son, but an unfortunate sequence of events leads Monica to abandon David. Believing that Monica will love him only if he becomes a real boy, David sets off to find the Blue Fairy (from the fairy tale Pinocchio), whom he earnestly believes is the only one with the power to grant him

  • ABC, Inc. Case Study Analysis

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    several employees, even though he was fairly new at his job. This was his first recruitment effort that turned out quite well. After this, the Operations Supervisor, Monica Carrolls, tasked Carl to recruit 15 new employees to begin working at ABC in July. So Carl scheduled an orientation to take place for the 15 employees on June 15th. Monica contacted Carl around May 15th to ensure that the process to get the orientation started was underway and Carl assured her that the orientation would be ready in