Santa Cristina Essays

  • Living the Life of a Saint

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    Essentially, in Ricci’s novel, the characters draw many parallels from their name saint, such as personality, notable events, and martyrdom, which eventually leads to living a life comparable to their name saint, as if destined by fate. To begin, Cristina Innocente lives a life parallel to her name saint, St. Christina of Bolsena, by bringing a wave of change to their hometowns. For example, a biography of Saint Christina on Catholic Online states that “[after an] angel called her… Christina smashed

  • Grey's Anatomy and Notions of Truth

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    The notion of truth is explored in everyday life as well as constructed through theoretical situations such as television dramas. Through the exploration of the representation of certain topics concerned with psychology the notion of truth can be explored ultimately answering the question “How is the notion of truth portrayed?”. Although “Grey’s Anatomy” is known for its scandals, and medical plot, there is also a fair amount of psychology involved in the characterization, and in the cases in which

  • The Santa Monica Bay Restoration

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    The Santa Monica Bay Restoration Pollution is a worldwide catastrophe that contaminates or destroys every living and non-living thing in its path. The earth is designed to constantly balance itself allowing plant and animal life the ability to thrive. Unfortunately when bombarded with chemicals, heavy metals and unnatural human waste, the earth exceeds its critical load and irreversible damage occurs. There are literally thousands of areas that have been negatively effected by the numerous types

  • Exploring Basilicas and Churches in Rome

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    beautiful churches and basilicas. Some of these include basilicas such as: Santa Maria Maggiore, St. Giovanni in Lateran, and St. Peter in Chains and churches like St. Peter Outside the Walls and San Giuseppe del Falegnami/ Mamertine Prison. These churches and basilicas through their history, art, architecture, and relics or tombs of saints create a rich and intriguing history of ancient Rome. Santa Maria Maggiore HISTORY: Santa Maria Maggiore was created in 350 AD by Pope Liberius and was constructed

  • Our Italian Tradition

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    huddled in the same ball; I had fallen asleep before La Befana arrived. As I stood up yawning, I took a big stretch and noticed my Christmas shoes lying by my feet full of goodies. La Befana is the Italian version of America’s Santa Clause. In fact, the idea of Santa Clause stems from the legend of the La Befana. On the night that baby Jesus was born, the Three Wise Men stopped at her hut asking directions to Bethlehem, and invited her to go along with them but she refused. Later, a shepherd

  • Joan Didion's Essay Los Angeles Notebook

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    Didion's Essay "Los Angeles Notebook" The Santa Ana winds cause people to act more violently or unruly and makes others irritable and unhappy to a great extent. Joan Didion explains to the reader about how the Santa Ana affects human behavior in her essay “Los Angeles Notebook.” Through the use of imagery, diction, and selection of detail Didion expresses her view of the Santa Ana winds. Didion paints uneasy and somber images when describing the Santa Ana winds. “There is something uneasy in the

  • Santa Fe Trail

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    Santa Fe Trail Net "ALL'S SET" FOR SFTNet "The Santa Fe Trail Lives On!" Welcome to SFTNet, the latest manifestation of the Santa Fe Trail saga. This service is designed for trail buffs, students, researchers, travelers on the trail--in short, anyone with an interest in historic or contemporary developments along the Santa Fe Trail. What Is The Santa Fe Trail? As many who read this introduction will know, the Santa Fe Trail is an ancient land route of communication between the desert Southwest

  • Living With Others

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    Describe a time when you lived with others (outside of your family). Describe your role in that living situation. What do you know about yourself and how you relate to others in groups? Honestly, living here in the dorms at Santa Clara is my first time actually living with people outside of my family. I was a little hesitant at first too, because it meant that I had to step outside the comfort of my family who accept me regardless and enter into a whole new world I was completely unfamiliar with

  • santa clause

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    with busy shoppers, jingle bells, colorful lights and Santa Claus, Christmas is thought by many people to be “the most wonderful time of the year”. Winter, snow, Christmas tree, decorations and Santa Claus are very important things which makes us think that it is the most beautiful day of all the year. Everybody waits for Christmas, because that day has varies meaning for different people. But for kids, rather than shoppers, colorful lights, Santa Claus is their main reason why they count the days till

  • Santa Claus Research Paper

    1605 Words  | 4 Pages

    The true story of Santa Claus begins with Nicholas, who was born during the third century in the village of Patara. At the time the area was Greek and is now on the southern coast of Turkey. His wealthy parents, who raised him to be a devout Christian, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young. Obeying Jesus' words to "sell what you own and give the money to the poor," Nicholas used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the sick, and the suffering. He dedicated his life to serving God

  • Santa Claus Does Exist

    875 Words  | 2 Pages

    Santa Claus Does Exist So you don’t believe in Santa Claus. It’s understandable. We find ourselves in an age of pure skepticism. We question everything. Science has taken hold of our lives, providing answers for all questions and dismissing anything that cannot be explained as either myth or fiction. So it’s quite understandable why you don’t believe, with no physical proof of his existence. It’s indeed understandable to lose sight of Father Christmas with the transformation of this holiday

  • The Boardwalk of Santa Cruz

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    The Boardwalk of Santa Cruz "Keifer Sutherland blockbuster Lost Boys filmed on this spot," proclaimed the self-important plaque. It was mounted on a wall along a long flight of log stairs. As I looked back, miles of beach stretched out before me and, across the bay, I could see red, blue, orange lights whirling high above the crowds upon a huge wheel. We made our way back to where the steps met back up with the sidewalk alongside the highway. We were hit by the smell of the city, of the

  • The Azores

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    Faial, Graciosa, Pico, Sao Jorge, Sao Miguel, Santa Maria, and Terceira. A group of islands like this is also called an archipelago. They are divided into three groups. The Eastern group is made up of Santa Maria and Sao Miguel. The central group is made up of Terceira, Graciosa, Sao Jorge, Pico, and Faial. The western group is made up of Flores and Corvo. The capital of these islands are: Corvo, Vila Nova do Corvo, Flores, Lages, Faial, Horta, Graciosa, Santa Cruz, Pico, Lagis, Sao Jorge, Vila das Velas

  • Christmas Traditions Around Th

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    become filled with stalls selling everything from toys to hot spiced wine. On the evening of December 5, children wait for a visit from Saint Nicholas, who brings them gifts. Most children also receive gifts on Christmas Eve. In some parts of Germany, Santa Claus distributes gifts, but in other regions children’s treats are delivered by Knecht Ruprecht, a mythical figure dressed in animal skins. From Christmas Eve through all of Christmas Day and the next day, stores are closed and all work stops as families

  • Eulogy for Grandmother

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    Eulogy for Grandmother When I think of Mary Helen Smith, also known to me as Grandma, I think of learning, laughter and love. Now all of the felicitous times are just a big barrier of memories surrounding my heart. I can remember doing puzzles with my Grandma. The table she'd use came up to my chin when I was first interested in the concept of putting pieces of colorful cardboard together. When we had finished forming all the pieces together, I was in pure fascination of how beautiful

  • Comedic Similarities between Elf and Santa Land Diaries

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    and experiences extreme culture shock as he goes to New York for the first time. In this essay, I will be comparing these similarities between these two stories and what types of comedy are found in each. The first scene from Elf that was similar to Santa Land Diaries was the scene when Buddy the Elf first arrives in New York City, specifically the part where he was continuously taking pamphlets until the people would get angry. Sedaris, early in his story explains an instance where he would take pamphlets

  • Use of Logos, Ethos, and Pathos in the Article, Is Santa Claus a Conspiracy?

    1050 Words  | 3 Pages

    Jay Mocks article “Is Santa Clause a Conspiracy?” first appeared on The River Journal website on December 11th, 2009. Mock, an online blogger who has the mindset that there are conspiracies behind many things that go on in the world, seeks to encourage readers to discover whether there is a conspiracy behind Santa Claus. If so, whether or not it is maintained by the lies of parents, and whether or not their intentions are good because they support good, and even so would that still qualify as a bad

  • Analysis of O'Henry's Short Story, The Gift of the Magi

    902 Words  | 2 Pages

    O’Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi” O. Henry’s short story “The Gift of the Magi,” is about a couple who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of their house. The story takes place on Christmas Eve in a furnished apartment at eight dollars a week. I feel that the narrator mocks Jim and Della for being poor. “It did not beggar description, but it certainly had that word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad.” (O. Henry 165). Della and Jim’s income shrunk from thirty dollars

  • Seculareligious Holidays: How Unbelievers Approach Holy Days

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    . middle of paper ... ...erial online]. October 2012; 39(3): 530-544. Accessed 20 April 2014. Martin A. Don’t Eat in The Living Room. New Statesman [serial online]. December 13, 2004;133(4718/4719):52-53. Accessed 22 April 2014. Moellinger T. Santa or The Grinch: Paradoxes Presented by the Use of Today’s Popular Media. Human Studies [serial online]. June 2010;33(2/3):205-220. Accessed April 21, 2014. New International Version. [Colorado Springs]: Biblica, 2011. Web. 3 Mar 2011

  • The Anatomy of a Lie

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    behind lying is always just. Do people lie to protect? Or is a lie an extension of deceit? These are questions that many people can relate and reflect on because we have all been lied to. Whether you were told white lies about the Easter bunny and Santa Claus or someone lied to you about their whereabouts any false statement is quite simply a lie. The effects of a lie are what I have the most experience in and it is those effects which caused me to be a liar in turn. Living a lie or maintaining lies