Psittacosaurus Essays

  • Ceratopsians and Pachycephalosaurs

    2049 Words  | 5 Pages

    Ceratopsians and Pachycephalosaurs Around 144 million years ago, began the emergence of the Ornithischian dinosaurs during the cretaceous period and diversified into North America and Asia. Ornithischians were classified as having a hip structure similar to that of birds, although they are not the descendants of birds. Marginocephalians, meaning "fringed heads" are a group of Ornithischians that have a distinctive skull structure, consisting of a slight shelf or bony frill on the back of the skull

  • Dinosaur Mothers And Children Essay

    998 Words  | 2 Pages

    positions, signifying that the parents protected their eggs during incubation prior to hatching. Also discovered in nests were the remnants of an adult Psittacosaurus fossilized together with some of its babies. This is an indication that such dinosaurs looked after its young once it hatched. With close juxtaposition from the adult and baby Psittacosaurus fossils, the remains were entirely located less than five and a half feet from each other. This evidence leads to signs of parental care after the eggs

  • Understanding the Origin of Feathers

    673 Words  | 2 Pages

    Feathers are complex, branched, keratinized epidermal features commonly associated with Class Aves, or birds (Bock, 2000). Cells in the epidermis called keratinocytes are the structural components of feathers; however, the protein keratin varies in its distribution and can be of different types (Prum, 2002). Many functions involved with feathers include thermal insulation, flight, cleaning of plumage, heat protection, sound production, chemical defenses, water repulsion of plumage, social communication

  • Museum Exhibition Proposal With Punch

    3266 Words  | 7 Pages

    Exhibit Overview and Rationale: The “The Myth And The Reality” exhibition is intended for the visitors who are interested in previous historical, religious, human behaviors, mythological material, nature of animals, and the world we live in. Mythical creatures are created by people’s imaginations, hopes, fears, and most passionate dreams. The exhibition I am designing uses a method of comparison, comparing real animals to mythical creatures. The intent is to arouse the imagination of the visitors