Pipilotti Rist Essays

  • Pipilotti Rist and Virtual Utopia

    1313 Words  | 3 Pages

    Within new media, there exists the desire and possibility to produce new effects upon the viewer, to grant new experiences. Pipilotti Rist seeks the creation of virtual utopias within the limitations of the video medium in installations such as her recent work at the Museum of Modern Art, Pour Your Body Out (7354 Cubic Meters) in 2009. The work transforms the typically bare atrium of the Museum of Modern Art into an active environment, where a reciprocal relationship between the viewer and the

  • Bill Viola Essay

    777 Words  | 2 Pages

    During her studies in video art Pipilotti began by making super 8 films, her works only last for a few minutes and had alterations made to their colours, speed and sound. Her works are usually related around gender, sexuality and the human body. They seem to come across to the audience with