Pets or Meat: The Return to Flint Essays

  • Homeless Problem Essay

    510 Words  | 2 Pages

    producing shoes, automobiles and other various goods at less than one dollar per hour. This will solve many of the problems that are mentioned in Marin’s “Helping and Hating the Homeless" and Michael Moore’s films “Roger and Me,” “Pets or Meat: The Return to Flint,” and “The Big One.” These problems include both safety and economic issues. The homeless have the ability to make the non-homeless feel threatened and unsafe (Marin.) “They are homeless, are strangers, alien and therefore a threat

  • Money and the Corruption of American Society

    722 Words  | 2 Pages

    status in America is greatly influenced by how much money you make.  We see the effects of money while reading the paper, wathshing the evening news, and in Micheal Moore’s movies. As we see in all three of Micheal Moore’s films Roger & Me, Pets or Meat, and The Big One, money can affect a society in horrible ways.  The major corporations such as GM closed the doors in their plants and left 30,000 American’s without a job.  Only to move their plant to a far off country and pay people a fraction