Own Version Essays

  • Directing William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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    My goals are to be creative, and do things differently from the many versions of the play we have viewed in class.      Each of those directors took the original text, written by William Shakespeare, and turned it into a unique version of their own; unique in the sense that they changed the tragedy by taking out lines, conversation or even entire scenes to better suit that particular director’s needs. In a more extreme version of the play, directed by Baz Lurhmann, some of the weapons such as swords

  • Arrogance in Oedipus and Cocteau's Infernal Machine

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    Arrogance in Oedipus and Cocteau's Infernal Machine The myth of Oedipus dates back centuries. Overtime a myth changes in many ways as each author or orator presents their own version. The main plot usually remains intact, but authors add their own style to the tragic story. In the case of Sophocles' Oedipus the King and Jean Cocteau's Infernal Machine both authors focus on the arrogant nature of Oedipus. Since this quality ultimately has destructive powers, the relationships Oedipus has with

  • Comparative Analysis Of The Ghost In Two Hamlet Movies

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    decides to create a film based on “Hamlet” it is most certain that his creation will vary from any others. Each will create their own version of the story, stressing some issues more than others as well as completely leaving sections out. In this essay I will compare Kenneth Branagh’s presentation of the ghost with Franco Zeffirelli’s. In Kenneth Branagh’s version, the ghost is introduced at the very beginning of the film. We are unclear as to the purpose of the ghost’s visit through this vague

  • Keeping up with the Jones

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    than just consumerism. It’s affecting the way we live. Everywhere public place you go it is hard not to run in to the idea of the credit card. You will see credit card logos on the front of every business. Every department store you go in has it’s own version of a credit card from Target to Macy’s. The Diner’s Club Card that originally was only for businessmen to eat lunch at 27 different restaurants. Now it is accepted almost everywhere. And for everything else there’s Mastercard……(or Visa, Discover

  • Humorous Wedding Speech – Two Best Men

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    bad to say about him. So, back to you Steve! Steve I have known Gary a much shorter time than Scot, as you may be able to guess from my youthful good looks and boyish charm. And since I didn't know Gary at school, I've had to rely on his own version of events regarding his education. From this, I gathered that Gary was an exceptionally gifted student and he excelled in almost everything he did, be it sports, academics or the arts, and he left school to the great sadness of his headmaster

  • Much Ado About Nothing Essay: An Exploration of Conformity

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    very unlikely in a broken up couple.  In addition, both Beatrice and Benedick turned out to be very willing to abandon their smear campaigns as soon as they are convinced the other is aching for them.  It is ridiculous that one would abandon one's own principals to bail out a hated enemy in trouble.  This makes clear that their attitude toward each other is an act.  If this is so, what is the purpose of the act... ... middle of paper ... ...ther, and nearly kills an innocent woman.  In a broader

  • Transculturation

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    Oritz to describe the process by which a conquered people choose and select what aspects of the dominant culture they will assume (Pratt 589). Unlike acculturation, transculturation recognizes the power of the subordinate culture to create its own version of the dominant culture. In an essay entitled, "The Arts of the Contact Zone," author Mary Louise Pratt argues that transculturation does not have to be confined to the social spaces where disparate cultures intersect; it can be extended to everyday

  • The Argument for Celibacy

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    caused an increased sway towards what was previously deemed inappropriate? Thomas Jefferson even once said that “man is an imitative animal”. Is America just experiencing a spontaneous hormone rush? Is it possible for a society to experience its own version of puberty? Or has America just always been horny and never shown it? After all, the 70-year-old chick from The Wedding Singer screwed the modern equivalent of 200 men before she got married, didn’t she? One can speculate on these ideas, probably

  • The Electric Vehicle

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    vehicles is very bright. Their impacts are very significant ranging from economic, to new technology that can be applied elsewhere, to most importantly, the environment. Ford and GM, through its Saturn plant, have already begun production on their own version of the electric vehicle and have made them available to the public. In 1998 California plans to have one percent of its major auto makers sell electric vehicles and other states have looked into the same possibility, mainly Massachusetts and New

  • Kurosawa's Adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth

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    from Shakespeare's tale the universal messages of man and placed them in an entirely new setting, and added traditional Japanese elements to the story. Moods were conveyed through the use of heavy fog, imagery very apparent in Shakespeare's own version, as well as with the flutes of Noh, a traditional, exaggerated style of Japanese theater. The ingredient of the Noh flutes certainly brought the play nearer to Japanese culture, which in turn made it more believable in its new setting. Kurosawa

  • Microwaves

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    warned the British of the German Luftwaffe invasion and that policemen employ to pinch speeding motorists, is what many of us now have in our kitchens. It's the same as what carries long distance phone calls and cablevision. Hitler's army had its own version of radar, using radio waves. But the trouble with radio waves is that their long wavelength requires a large, cumbersome antenna to focus them into a narrow radar beam. The British showed that microwaves, with their short wavelength, could be focussed

  • Free Narrative Essays - Advertising and Personal Values

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    effort was to not lose my sanity for unlike any other hour of TV, this time I was forced to actually watch the commercials.  The values that TV presents seem to be different than what I was taught as a child. Advertisers seem to present their own version of morality and values. Their idea of morality might not coincide with ours, but it does sell their products. Wait, I just learned that if I buy my wife an anniversary band she will know that I love her.  But of course the band is a few

  • The Horrendous Evil Within Shakespeare's Macbeth

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    Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy, Northrop Frye compares some evil in the play to demonic possession: There is some suggestion of being relieved from a kind of demonic possession, of a type that seems to run through history with its own version of de jure succession. We find this again in the death of the Thane of Cawdor in Macbeth, where there is also a suggestion that the demonic possession passes from the old Thane of Cawdor into the new one: Malcolm, in his turn, seems aware of the

  • Mythical American Dream Challenged in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman

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    in the nineteenth-century American West. It is no coincidence that in the 1950's, the decade most preoccupied with the mythical American dream, America experienced an unprecedented love affair with Westerns. Willy and Linda try to build their own version of the American dream with their family. In high school, Biff was the all-American boy as the captain of the football team. True to the myth of the all-American boy, girls and admiring friends surrounded him. Willy and Linda's lives are full of

  • Relational and Object-oriented Database Management Systems

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    management system (DBMS) was designed by Charles Bachman who worked for General Electric in 1960. The original system was actually called the Integrated Data Store and was used to form the basis for the network data model. Later, IBM developed its’ own version of DBMS and called it the Information Management System (IMS) DBMS. IMS eventually formed the structure for an alternative data representation framework called the hierarchical data model. This new system allowed several people to access the same

  • Chinese Mothers and their American Daughters in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club

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    nothing, to swallow other people?s misery, to eat my own bitterness. And even though I taught my daughter the opposite, still she came out the same way! Maybe it is because she was born to me and she was born a girl. And I was born to my mother and I was born a girl. All of us are like stairs, one step after another, going up and down, but all going the same way.” (Tan 241) In desperation, mother An-Mei Hsu describes her frustration over her own mother-daughter relationship in Amy Tan?s The JoyLuck

  • Rome: The Eternal City

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    the Gaul?s destruction of Rome in 330 B.C., much of the early writings and archaeological remains recording the city?s past were destroyed.[i]? This lack of information did not hinder the early Roman historians, though: they simply created their own version of history.? Anxious to connect their city to a noble origin comparable to the heroic Greeks?, early Romans pointed to the Trojan hero Aeneas as the founder of their homeland.? In Plutarch?s Life of Romulus, Aeneas is said to have sailed to southern

  • The Age of Discovery of Elements

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    German chemist, was the first to attempt to categorise the elements. He used their atomic weights, which we now know as atomic masses. In 1863, John Newlands, produced something that he called the 'Law of Octaves'. He used this to produce his own version of the periodic table, but Newlands came across some problems. "After about 20 elements his table became ragged,"*2 Newlands had left no gaps for undiscovered elements and even had to put two elements in one space. It was Dimitri Mendeleev

  • Comparing Justice in The Faerie Queen and Merchant of Venice

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    suggests that behind their representation there is more at stake than a conceptual problem. Elizabethan conceptions of ideal justice politicize their representations in order to justify the prevailing monarchy. Spenser and Shakespeare offer their own version of the nature of justice through female characters, Mercilla in Book V of The Faerie Queen and Portia in The Merchant of Venice. However the textualization of these categories works differently. For Spenser, justice relates itself to a divine ordering

  • Allegory, Symbolism, and Madness – Comparing the Demons of Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne

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    madness, while Hawthorne sees man as having a “secret sin.” Each had their reasons for writing in the Gothic format. Poe was not a religious man; he was well educated and favored reading the German Gothic literature, which would become the basis for his own writing. Hawthorne on the other hand, called on his Puritan-Calvinistic background to influence his writing style. Along with his formal education, and his self-imposed solitary time, that he spent reading and observing nature. Poe’s writing allows