Obsolescence Essays

  • Ethics in Planned Obsolescence

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    certain industries the producers are using planned obsolescence to reduce the life-time of a product to a certain period of time. By reducing the life-time of product the manufacturers “force” people to buy new product that the manufacturer brings to the market as the replacement for the old product. The purpose of this research paper is to evaluate all aspects like ethical issues, environmental affects, laws and regulations considering planned obsolescence. The question is whether using this business

  • Product Portfolio Analysis and Strategy Change Proposal

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    development and support of our new products. Works Cited Burrow, J. L., & Kleindl, B. (2008). Business management. (13th ed., p. 562). Mason, Ohio: South-Western. Cooper, T. (2004). Inadequate life? Evidence of consumer attitudes toward product obsolescence. Journal of Consumer Policy, (27), 422. Kanellos, M. (2013, June 11). Will cloud computing kill the server market?. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelkanellos/2013/06/11/will-cloud-computing-kill-the-server-market/

  • Planned Obsolescence in Electronics

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    Planned obsolescence, according to the Collins English Dictionary, is “the policy of deliberately limiting the life of a product in order to encourage the purchaser to replace it.” Planned obsolescence is the idea that a product is designed to fail, or fall out of style, rather than being designed for longevity and durability (Hindle; Landes). Planned obsolescence has occurred in many industries such as the textile and automobile industries (Hindle; Landes). Items such as dresswear and cars become

  • Skills' obsolescence in the globalized world.

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    Nowadays world lives in a time of permanent changes. Things that were innovative yesterday – today becomes outdated. Time flies and technological progress lead world to new milestone of development. It is obvious that this process has an impact not only on the some technological issues but also humanity at all. Progress is necessary for this stage of development and one of the major points in this process is globalization. Globalization is considered as a process of global integration of the country;

  • Analysis Of Mark Twain 'A Train Towards Obsolescence'

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    A Train Towards Obsolescence The human DNA closely resembles that of chimpanzees, sharing over ninety-six percent of our DNA. For some perspective, the difference between humans and chimpanzees is ten times smaller than the genetic gap between rats and mice. Both human beings and chimpanzees are considered intelligent beings, partially due to their ability to create and use tools. But as the years have passed, like seconds on a clock, the gap between these two animals has increased an almost inconceivable

  • The Light Bulb Conspiracy

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    importance of driving capitalism truly more important than the wellbeing of the consumer? All these questions are relevant to consumers because planned obsolescence is a reality in our current economy. By analyzing the example of incandescent light bulbs as well as the ethics versus the benefits of planned obsolescence, it can be concluded that planned obsolescence is not beneficial for the consumer but necessary for the current development of society until we can find an alternative to this waste-based society

  • How Does Walmart Affect The Economy

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    Many small businesses endure the same inevitable outcome upon the opening of a corporate business. A 44-year-old, rural grocery store in North Carolina faced a “30% sales drop” immediately after the opening of Walmart (Wolff-Mann “Walmart Closes”). To counteract the drastic drop in sales, the mom-and-pop ran grocery store lowered their prices in hopes to attract more customers. In return, Wal-mart matched and undercut their prices in order to reduce surrounding competition. Failing to compete with

  • What Does Consumerism Mean?

    566 Words  | 2 Pages

    Planned obsolescence is acknowledged as the "designed for the dump," planned out- marketing strategy. This strategy is employed by companies to intentionally produce a product that is non-functional and outdated for a short time to convince buyers to drop the product even though it is operating well. Perceived obsolescence is when a buyer believes they need an updated version of the previous generation or model. For

  • Depreciation And Sale Of Asset

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    Depreciation is the decline in the future economic benefits of a depreciable non-current asset through wear and tear and obsolescence. It is an allocation process. It can be calculated by two main methods, each reflecting in a distinct prospect in the way the asset is used. Depreciation is to be treated as an estimated expense that does not set aside cash for the replacement of a non-current asset. In determining the cost of acquisition of the lathes, any capital expenditure made must be added to

  • Civil War Consumerism Analysis

    1673 Words  | 4 Pages

    necessary and most importantly at an alarmingly wasteful way. Nothing shows more obsolescence than the technology market with computers and phones. Giles Salde wrote an award winning book about technology obsolescence and explains “a century of advertising has conditioned us to want more, better, and faster from any consumer good we purchase, in 2004 about 315 million working PCs were retired in North America” (Planned Obsolescence viewpoint). This shows the affect caused by corporations to increase profits

  • Very Good Post: Consumer Activism

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    Very good post, in most instances, the word consumerism is referred to as social and economic order that encourages the purchase of goods and services in ever-greater amounts. You did a very nice job exploring this term! Nice post! In some instances the term "consumerism" has been used to refer to something a different term called “consumer activism”. This separate term has a goal of protecting and informing consumers by requiring such practices as honest packaging and advertising, product guarantees

  • Dieter Rams Ten Principles of Good Design

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    The essay below is a reflection upon Dieter Rams ten principles of good design and the article Dieter Rams on good design as a key business advantage Good design according to my understanding so far is all about human-centred design that is, designing to meet particular needs of people in the society. Therefore, any design that does not satisfy people’s needs no matter how beautiful it may look is not a good design. After reading Dieter Rams’ ten principles of good design, some of them where things

  • Unraveling the Complexities of Outsourcing

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    The Truth behind Outsourcing Outsourcing is when a company or business decides to contract part of their services that they do not do well to an outside company. There is two types of outsourcing offshoring and nearshoring. Offshoring is where a company outsources abroad and, nearshoring is outsourcing within the home country. The reasons that a company decides to outsource varies from company to company but, the most common ones are cost reduction, increasing globalization, growth , tax incentives

  • The Pros And Cons Of Contracting Out?

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    projects. Outsourcing providers can provide better services for clients since they usually use new and developed technologies. Second, proponents think that outsourcing gives organizations opportunities to access to technology and reduce technological obsolescence without large investments (Gonzalez, Gasco & Llopis, 2009). Lastly, Pros assume that contracting out can save s...

  • Life Cycles of Products

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    Life Cycles of Products The definition of a product is "anything that is capable of satisfying customer needs", this includes both physical products, like cars, cell phones, machines, as well as services like banking, and insurance. Businesses manage and modify their products over time so that they constantly meet the changing demands of their customers, the methods used to manage a number of brands and

  • Consumerism vs Happiness in America

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    We are always bombarded with advertisements and marketing sales that it’s only normal if we no longer buy just our essential needs like food, shelter, and clothes. People often want more than they have now, more money, better cars, a bigger home and more clothes. No matter where we go, we see TV commercials, newspaper ads and all kinds of flyers intriguing us to buy more and more stuff even if we don’t leave our homes. They know how to make specific products appeal to both women and men and they

  • EHC

    768 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cost cutting can help in bridging working capital shortage. Cost cutting is the process used by companies to reduce their costs and increase their revenue. Elijah Heart Center has various options for cutting cost. These include reducing agency staff and implementing a variation in skills mix. Downsizing has recently become a popular concept in cost cutting interventions. Downsizing entails reducing the number of agency or organizations staff. By reducing the number of contract employees, EHC will

  • Depreciation Essay

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    Such decrease in the value of an asset is termed as depreciation. Depreciation has been defined as ‘the diminution in the utility or value of an asset, due to normal wear and tear, exhaustion of the subject-matter, effluxion of time accident, obsolescence or similar causes’. In other words, when an asset held by a business cannot be used as efficiently and effectively in future as it was used earlier, the loss caused to the business will be depreciation. Depreciation caused by It is called Fixed

  • Maple And Vine Sparknotes

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    Omar she says “you know for a homosexual you’re not very funny” (Maple & Vine, I.V). This scene is an example of how blunt, and unconcerned she is when speaking with anyone, because she is only focused on how she feels. In the Society of Dynamic obsolescence, Catha changes how she interacts with people, an example is when Ryu comes home from work in a fowl mood and say’s “Work was shit” (Maple & Vine, II.VIII). Catha calmly tells him to watch his language, but in the past she also used foul language

  • Apple Consumerism Essay

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    According to Catherine Rampell of NY Times magazine, planned obsolescence is the act of “deliberately limiting the useful life of a product so that consumers will be forced to replace it”. For example, notice how each year, Apple introduces an iPhone that is only marginally better than the last. This is because they