North Island Essays

  • Case Study: North Stradbroke Island

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    INTRODUCTION North Stradbroke Island (NSI), also known as Minjerribah, is a home to many, approximately 2,102 people around the island (Redland City Council, 2016) and the Quandamooka people have thousands of years of a connection with the sea, land, and country (Stradbroke Island, 2018). The Island’s main source of economic growth comes from sand mining. The largest sand mining company on NSI is Sibelco, they have been running the operation since 1950 (Stradbroke Island, 2018). As of 2019, Sibelco

  • Hallett Cove Essay

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    Introduction to Hallett Cove: Hallett Cove is one of the best known geological sites both in Australia and other parts of the world. It was made known by Professor Ralph Tate in 1875 when he first discovered the evidence of an ancient glaciation. Professor Ralph Tate’s discovery is now known all throughout the world. The conservation of the site to protect the glacial pavements commenced in 1960 with acquisition of a strip of coastline, named the Sandison Reserve, by the National Trust. Hallett Cove

  • New Zealand

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    for my report is New Zealand. New Zealand is made up of two Islands. The north and the south islands. It is located in the south pacific by Australia. The first people to settle New Zealand came over from east Polynesia by canoe during the 10th century. These people were called the Maori. According to a Maori legend, a man may have arrived in New Zealand during about 950 ad, but this can not be proven. The Maori people lived on the Island on native fruits and vegetables and animals, and they also

  • Sunnysand Island Research Paper

    543 Words  | 2 Pages

    Our country is called Sunnysand island. As you probably can understand, it is an island, hence the name. Sunnysand island is north of Australia, a neighbor to Wake Island, Midway Atoll, Johnston Atoll, and Hawaii. Wake island, Midway Atoll and Johnston Atoll are all islands. It is on the equator, so it’s very hot. Sunnysand is an island with a couple of smaller islands around it that are also part of the country. The people of this island are very resourceful for they have lots of rainforests. They

  • Tahiti and the French Polynesia

    1497 Words  | 3 Pages

    area as large as the continent of Europe, lies the Territory of French Polynesia and its principal island, Tahiti. Settlers from Southeast Asia are thought to have first arrived in the Marquesas Islands, in the northeastern part of what is today called French Polynesia, around 300 AD and in the Society Islands, including Tahiti, to the west by about 800 AD. Prior to the first European contact, the islands were ruled by a hierarchy of hereditary tribal chiefs. The first Europeans to visit the area were

  • Polynesian Triangle Essay

    661 Words  | 2 Pages

    Polynesia is a portion of Oceana made up of 1,000+ islands. They are dispersed across the middle and lower portion of the Pacific Ocean. Polynesia consists of well-known Islands such as Hawaii, Easter Island, and New Zealand. These Islands are also the islands that create the Polynesian Triangle which outlines the area defined as Polynesia. Other Islands located inside the triangle include Samoa, Tonga, Cook Islands, Tokelau, Wallis, Futuna, Niue, Tuvalu, and French Polynesia. The settlements of

  • Where Is Atlantis

    747 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cleito. He built an island, Atlantis, and he constructed a elaborate house in the center of the island. Poseidon built rings of land and water surrounding his house with walls on either side of them. Poseidon and Cleito had five sets of twin boys who would become the rulers of the island. Once the boys were old enough to rule each was given a section of the island to rule. Atlantis had a huge plain and very high mountains. Many exotic animals and plants inhabited the island. As the story goes

  • The Island of Jamaica

    3716 Words  | 8 Pages

    The Island of Jamaica The island of Jamaica is the third largest Caribbean island. It is in a group of islands called the greater antilles. It has an area of 10 991 km squared or 4 244 sq. miles. Jamaica spans 230 km east to west and from 80-36 from north to south. It is third only to Cuba, which is the largest, and Hispaniola which is the second largest island. Jamaica lies in the Caribbean sea which is a part of the much larger Atlantic ocean. The island is 960 km south of Florida

  • Japan

    2668 Words  | 6 Pages

    Geographical Setting Japan is an island country in the North Pacific Ocean. It lies off the northeast coast of mainland Asia and faces Russia,Korea, and China. Four large islands and thousands of smaller ones make up Japan. The four major islands- Hokkaido,Honshu,Kyushu and Shikoku form a curve that extends for about 1,900 kilometres. Topography Japan is a land of great natural beauty. mountains and hills cover about 70% of the country. IN fact, Japanese islands consist of the rugged upper

  • The Island of Crete

    1615 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Island of Crete Although once a strategic military site even up through World War II, Crete is now a wonderful Greek asset full of history, culture, and beauty. Crete is the largest of the Greek islands and is located in the southeast of the Mediterranean Sea. Crete is not only home to more than 550,000 Greek citizens; it is also the destination for more than one quarter of all visitors that come to Greece. Crete is an island full of culture and celebration. Each town celebrates the day

  • The Barbados Island

    1925 Words  | 4 Pages

    HISTORY Barbados is one of the eastern most Caribbean islands, found at 13.4n, 54.4w. The island that is less than one million years old, the collision of the Atlantic crustal and Caribbean plates created it, along with a volcanic eruption. Later coral formed, accumulating to about 300ft. It is geologically unique. It is. Two land masses that merged over the years. The fist people were the Amerindians who arrived there from Venezuela. They came with families and villages, adventurers, descendants

  • Differences Between Island and Mainland Puerto Ricans

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    Differences Between Island and Mainland Puerto Ricans As many immigrants arrive in the United States of America and begin to call it “home”, comparisons between such immigrants are certainly inevitable. In particular, the U.S. Hispanic population gives more room for such comparisons since their cultures and traditions are very similar. Most of their similarities stem from a common Spanish heritage. However, there is a lot more to being Hispanic than just speaking Spanish or eating rice and beans

  • Unity and Diversity of Indonesia

    4657 Words  | 10 Pages

    Indonesia From "Sabang ‘till Merauke" is the name of a song dedicated to Indonesia’s many islands and it’s diversity. It’s numerous chain of islands contained in the thirty-two thousand miles dividing two oceans, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Sabang is a small island just off the coast of Sumatra; Merauke is a small village near the border of Papua New Guinea. Indonesia’s 13,677 islands inhabited by 350 different ethnic groups, and more than 200 different languages. Consequently

  • The Beak Of The Finch

    8512 Words  | 18 Pages

    " --Thoreau, Walden This book claims to be about evolution, centered in the location made famous by Charles Darwin, the Galapagos Islands. I read this book on the recommendation of a good friend who knows I am interested in birds and thought I might get something out of it. Indeed, the few parts of the book actually about the Gouldian Finches of the Galapagos Islands are fascinating. The book records in detail some of the trials the Dr. Peter Grant family endured in studying these birds on a hot

  • Lord of the Flies - Who I think would make the best leader on the island:

    676 Words  | 2 Pages

    Lord of the Flies - Who I think would make the best leader on the island: Ralph, Piggy or Jack? The Novel that this piece of writing is based upon is named "Lord of the Flies". The author of the book is William Golding who wrote many other books including Close quarters and Fire down below. This essay is on my opinion of who would be the best leader on the island out of Ralph, Piggy and Jack. I will base my opinions on my assumption of what makes a good leader and my general feelings of

  • Changes to Bernard Marx Through the Progression of Brave New World by Huxley

    855 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bernard Marx is an intriguing character in the book Brave New World. At the beginning of the book, he is a very main character, but as the book goes on he is put more and more into the background of the story. The reason for this can be explained by the way his character changes as the book progresses. Aldous Huxley makes an interesting point by showing how a person can be changed by obtaining something he desires. It makes the readers wonder whether success would change them in the same way or if

  • True Happiness In Brave New World, By Aldous Huxley

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    Happiness is a trait that has definitely lost its true meaning due to superficial, materialistic extravagances. Society today has created an image of what happiness entails, and now there are many different ways to try to achieve that image. However, the question then becomes: is happiness, as a result of things like sex, drugs, consumption, real happiness? Is it better to feel fake happiness than to experience the drudgeries that come with living a sober life? In the novel, Brave New World, by Aldous

  • The Theme Of Happiness In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

    1005 Words  | 3 Pages

    It seems the goal of most individuals in life is to find purpose, overcome obstacles, and be as happy as possible each and every day. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley introduces a new theory on happiness: that happiness cannot exist while human minds are subjected to the truth. Similar to the phrase ignorance is bliss, the main theme throughout the novel is that happiness and truth cannot coexist properly in a society. While happiness is the ultimate goal of the utopian society depicted in Brave

  • Individualism In Brave New World

    641 Words  | 2 Pages

    Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World portrays a utopian society that has no flaw. Although many new precedents are portrayed, when studied in depth, many similarities between this perfect world and our modern society outweigh the few differences. This utopia of a society is paralleled with our society that is nowhere near perfection. Drug usage, individualism, and relationships will be the basis of comparison in this analysis, and we will see if the society presented in Brave New World will one day

  • Comparing Maria, And Guan Wei's Dow: Island

    696 Words  | 2 Pages

    In this comparison I will be comparing Russell Drysdale’s Maria (1950) a Sydney oil on canvas, 99x76.2 cm (NGA) to Guan Wei’s Dow: Island (2002) a synthetic polymer painting, 320x921 across 48 panels (NGA). The painting Maria shows a middle aged foreign looking woman, standing under a dark veranda, looking vaguely out into the distance. The title give us the understanding that her name is ‘Maria’. Her features and her surrounds are realistic. The landscape is dry outback. There is no other human