New Spain Essays

  • The Conquest of New Spain

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    The Conquest of New Spain Cortés came not to the New World to conquer by force, but by manipulation. Bernal Díaz del Castillo, in the "Conquest of New Spain," describes how Cortés and his soldiers manipulated the Aztec people and their king Montezuma from the time they traveled from Iztapalaopa to the time when Montezuma took Cortés to the top of the great Cue and showed him the whole of Mexico and its countryside, and the three causeways which led into Mexico. Castillo's purpose for recording

  • The Conquest Of New Spain Sparknotes

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    “The Conquest of New Spain” is the first hand account of Bernal Diaz (translated by J.M. Cohen) who writes about his personal accounts of the conquest of Mexico by himself and other conquistadors beginning in 1517. Unlike other authors who wrote about their first hand accounts, Diaz offers a more positive outlook of the conquest and the conquistadors motives as they moved through mainland Mexico. The beginning chapters go into detail about the expeditions of some Spanish conquistadors such as Francisco

  • The Conquest Of New Spain By Bernal Diaz

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    Conquest of New Spain “What I myself saw, and the fighting in which I took part, with God’s help I will describe quite plainly, as an honest eyewitness, without twisting the facts in any way”, Bernal Diaz stated in The Conquest of New Spain. This action filled book is not only a true story about a soldier named Bernal Diaz’s first eyewitness account of the overthrow of Mexico by Hernan Cortes, the leader of the army, but it’s also an eyewitness view of one of the greatest civilizations in the New World

  • Spanish Conquest Of New Spain Summary

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    empire in the early 1520’s. It was not until later on in Castillo’s life that he wrote this memoir or “personal history” as some would argue, called the True History of the Conquest of New Spain. The name seemingly strikes the question “What is True History?”. Before writing his version of the of what happened in New Spain, Castillo watched many attempt to tell the story of the spanish conquest and tell it with biases that he believed should not have been taken into account. Being a first hand witness

  • War And Violence In The Spanish Conquest Of New Spain

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    education and religion. The descendants of the Spaniards became Mexico's ruling class, whereas the Indians remained at a lower-class status. Once New Spain settled in its new territory, it would be under influence of the mother country Spain. Its colonial system would be entrenched in the new colony and its economy would strive to gain profit and make Spain more wealthy and more powerful. The Spanish introduced in particular war and violence in a brutal way that some would describe as a great protection

  • How Did Spain Become The Most Powerful Country In The New World

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    During the sixteenth century, Spain had become the most powerful country in both Europe and the Americas through its successes in the New World. The Spanish throne funded Columbus’ exploration that eventually led to the discovery of what will be known as the Americas. The Spanish Empire created the model for the colonization of the Americas through their conquest of the two most powerful empires in the Americas--the Aztec and the Incan. These conquests also provided the Spanish with tons of riches

  • Bernal Díaz del Castillo, The True History of the Conquest of New Spain

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    The passage from Bernal Díaz del Castillo’s The True History of the Conquest of New Spain is a clear example of a narrative source. Díaz is presenting his personal account of Hernan Cortes’s expedition into Tenochtitlan. An interesting aspect of this narrative is that it was written almost 50 years after the events described occurred . Bernal Díaz del Castillo was only 24 years old when on November 8, 1519 he and the rest of Hernán Cortés’s expedition first entered the city of Tenochtitlán .

  • The Role of Religion in "The Conquest of New Spain"

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    to the influence of the Church. Spain, the forerunner in the Age of Discovery, was a fervently Catholic country. During the 16th century, the monarchy combined the forces of "cross and crown" in its imperial policy; much to the dismay and ultimate destruction of the indigenous peoples of the New World. Through an examination of Aztec polytheism and the Catholicism of the conquistadors, comes the central role of religion in the successful conquest of New Spain. When the Spaniards arrived on

  • The Conquest Of New Spain: A Historical Analysis

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    Bernal Diaz’ The Conquest of New Spain and Miguel Leon-Portilla’s The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico offer two distinct looks into the same event in history. Both documents offer differing takes of the same events, so when

  • Madonna Image In New Spain Essay

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    An Amalgamation of Socio-Religious Influence: Madonna Depictions in New Spain No image permeates Christian Art more than the image of the Madonna. From its earliest depictions in Europe and its manifestations in the Byzantine, Medieval, and Renaissance eras, the iconic image of the Virgin Mary has resonated with audiences for centuries. While this image dominated religious art in Europe, it also gained prominence in New Spain during the pre and postcolonial periods. Various depictions of the Madonna

  • Scandal At The Church Of 1872 New Spain

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    Injustice in 18th Century Mexico In the inconclusive court case on the “Scandal at the Church” of 1872 New Spain (Mexico), José de Alfaro fights in court to save his wife, Josefa Cadena, his unborn child, and his family’s honour by taking her attacker doña Theresa Bravo, her daughter, her sister, her woman deposited (her ward) and her husband to trial for their wrong doings. It was after mass at church that Mrs. Cadena brushed up against Mrs. Bravo; resulting in a violent outburst from the high

  • Africans in Colonial Mexico

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    significance of bozales, criollos, mulattoes, and zambos is far-reaching. The colonial period provides an excellent starting place for an examination of the significance of these groups not only because the institution of African slavery was introduced to New Spain at that time, but also because the regular influx of native Africans combined with the close attention paid to color-based castas in official records allows historians to trace the influence of African culture more readily during that period.

  • Aztecsinga Clendinnen

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    sources that she has access to are numerous but Clendinnen chooses to concentrate on General History of the Things of New Spain. A book written by Bernado de Sahagun, a Franciscan monk. This book is commonly called the Florentine Codex and deals with information gathered by Indian scribes. The codex is twelve volumes in length and was collected after the conquests of the Mexica by Spain. Clendinnen states that though the Codex has fallen out of favour with scholars,`they still use them extensivly'

  • Seven Years War

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    War. …Cause and effects! What would the state of the free world be today if the alliance of the war of the Austrian Succession had not reversed in the Seven Years’ War? Would we speak French, still be “New England”, or perhaps New Spain? The fact is that while we may not know for certain that today’s world would be different, you can rest assured that the Seven Years’ War set the tone in Europe, and more importantly in North America for the next half century. The history

  • The Wright Brothers

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    The Wright Brothers A lot of important events of the past happened in Mexico. In 1810 Mexico was ruled by the Spanish viceroy, which was organized into the Spanish colony of New Spain. In 1812 Mexico is politically unstable. In 1846 Mexico loses one third of its territory to the United States during the Mexican War. In 1861 Benito Juarez becomes the president of Mexico. In 1877 Porfrio Diaz rules Mexico. In 1911 Diaz flees the country and Madero is elected president. In 1914 General Uenustians

  • Lafaye's Summary: The Syncretic History Of New Spain

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    study pertaining to the intellectual history of New Spain and its development of a national consciousness that would facilitate a move towards independence. Lafaye takes a unique approach of examining the formation of Mexico’s national conciseness by pointing to the importance of religious thought in that process. In this ethnohistorical study the author pays special attention to the interaction of Iberian Christianity and Aztec belief system in New Spain. Through careful analysis the author confronts

  • Diaz Del Castillo's The Conquest Of New Spain

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    conversion and killing of those of different beliefs and religions. However, in order to gain an understanding of how these ideas function in the real world, one should examine additional texts. One such resource is Diaz Del Castillo’s the Conquest of New Spain, which details Hernan Cortes’ crusade throughout South America. Conversely, Cortes’ actions are not indicative of all explores, Matteo

  • Spaniards in Southwest America

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    Americans; the southwest region of America had also experienced its affect. The Spaniards bringing of animals and use of land speedily and greatly changed their environment. Cattle and horses brought by the Spanish extended well across northern New Spain. As a result, these grazing animals flattened grassy areas and packed down soils, which broke down the lands. Through these worn down paths of grazing, water was able to ensue. Overgrazing however, left vegetation scarce and soils eroded. Furthermore

  • The Spanish Inquisition

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    authority of the royal power in Spain; the Inquisition was created in order to resolve the particular problem presented by the presence of thousands of converted Jews in the Iberian Peninsula. At the same time, the inquisition extended its authority to other minorities and become implanted in other geographical regions. This “institution” operated and was expanded to other territories under the crown of Castile—the Canaries and the territories ruled by viceroys in New Spain and Peru (24, 25). Joseph

  • What Are The Similarities Between New Spain And British America

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    America & the British West Indies to the Viceroyalty of New Spain Youssef Gabr - 7B. Thesis: During the age of Western colonialism, European nations explored, conquered, settled, and exploited the areas of the newly discovered Americas. During this period, there were two European superpowers who controlled the dominant colonies of The Americas; these two superpowers were British America (& the British West Indies) and the Viceroyalty of New Spain. Furthermore, these two colonies monopolized the region