Mohan Rakesh Essays

  • Oberoi Critique

    829 Words  | 2 Pages

    hotels which involves personalised service delivered with care. They have two principal brands - The deluxe Oberoi brand and The first class. The international Trident brand owns and runs thirty five luxury and first class. History Late Mr. Rai Bahadur Mohan Singh Oberoi founded the Oberoi Group by the acquisition of two hotels one located in Shimla and other in Delhi in 1934. In 1965, their first hotel, The Oberoi Intercontinental, now known as The Oberoi, New Delhi, was built. In 1957, they started their

  • Contract Of Guarantee Case Study

    928 Words  | 2 Pages

    with the repayment of debt. On the other hand, a continuing guarantee extends to a series of transactions. So, here in this case, the principal debtor is Rakesh, creditor is Lena Bank and the surety is Mohan. The type of contract Mohan will have to execute with the bank is the contract of surety which will be independent of the contract between Rakesh and the Bank. The features of this type of contract are as follows: • There are three parties in every Contract of Guarantee • The liability arises right

  • The Role Of Drama In Sakharam Binder By Vijay Tendulkar

    1447 Words  | 3 Pages

    The presence of Drama in the form of performative elements both dramatic and theatrical in almost every society throughout civilization is predominant. In the past the function of dramatic performance was evident in the rituals which witnessed enactments that portrayed the culture, beliefs and social being of a particular community. However in due course of time these enactments of rituals and ceremonies ceased to exist whereas dramatic performances were enacted simply for the sake of enjoyment and

  • Critical Analysis Of The Novels Of Upamanyu Chatterjee

    1742 Words  | 4 Pages

    Upamanyu Chatterjee is one contemporary Indian English author who has attracted adulation and admonition in equal measures. His critics, who find his novels often dealing with unpalatable issues, loaded with heavy negativity, cynicism and turgid expressions, however, unanimously aver that he is witty and intelligent, endowed with a unique style of wry playfulness mixed with keen observation. He defies conventions and is rarely calm or ‘normal’ in his novels. Having emerged as the sort of champion

  • Themes and Techniques in the Plays of Girish Karnad

    2732 Words  | 6 Pages

    he was destined to be a playwright. Basically Karnad belong to the Rannade theatre. Since 1980s, there has been considerable work done in the field of drama. And especially with the emergence of dramatist like Girish Karnad, Vijay Tendulkar, Mohan Rakesh, Badal Sarkar and a few more on the scene, dramas written in English in India have started attracting international importance. This article contains view on the thematic and technical aspects in the plays of Girish Karnard. A brief account of