Manta Essays

  • Manta Rays Essay

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    Manta Rays Ever since I first went Scuba Diving I have always wanted to see a manta ray up close. I have heard so many stories about them, and how awesome it was to dive with them. People have told me, "manta rays are very gentle creatures, and their size is overwhelming. They will come up to you as if you had called them like a dog, and soar gracefully over your head as you stare at them in disbelief." Right after I heard this I knew that I had to dive with, and learn everything about them

  • Manta Birostris

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    The giant oceanic manta ray (Manta birostris) is one of two species of gigantic cartilaginous fish from the genus Manta in the family Mobulidae. Manta birostris was first described by Dondorff in 1798; not much research had taken place during this time, which led to misconceptions about the fish (Passarelli and Piercy). Due to their alarming size and bat-like shape, these mantas were often seen as menacing monsters and received the name devilfish. Since the 1990s, there has been an increase in research

  • Dota: Manta Style Strategy On Tinker

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    Early Game: The average player believes that Tinker is strong earlygame but becomes weak later on. Though nothing could be more false than the second part of the statement, the average player is right in thinking that Tinker is strong earlygame. Our main spell at this point is Laser, which is very strong. Once you hit level 3, Laser is strong enough to do serious damage, but you should still use it somewhat sparingly unless laned against a low hp hero. At level 5, it will generally be worth using

  • The Sea Devil Arthur Gordon Analysis

    522 Words  | 2 Pages

    He was pulled in the water by the manta ray and dragged along the waters of Florida Bay. The man was struggling to break free, he was choking on the water and he didn't know if he could make it. He saw his life flash before his eyes but the man still tried to fight back, a thought came to his mind, he was trying to create drag to slow down the manta ray, he was fighting like a fish. His body was just like a fish thrashing around fighting for his life, the manta ray jumped, he had time to raise his

  • Racing Extinction: Documentary Analysis

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    Racing Extinction is an optically stunning documentary that explores the causes and possible solutions to the Anthropocene Extinction Event. The film is directed by Boulder resident and Academy Award winning director of The Cove, Louie Psihoyos, whose background spars from nearly two decades of photojournalism with National Geographic. The term Anthropocene describes the current era of man that lives on the planet Earth. The extinction event itself, the largest in geological history, is caused by

  • Sharks and Conservation

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    that we, humans, do to these natural predators of the oceans. Sharks have been on this earth for nearly 450 billion years. To put that into perspective, the first modern humans date back to about 60,000 years ago ("Our Mission: To save Sharks and Mantas”). Since then, both humans and sharks have evolved into the predatory mammals they are today. However, with the quick development of humans, civilization and technology, humans have not been able to fully understand the ways of sharks, although the

  • Descriptive Pl Welcome To The Paradise Of Maldives

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    diving clear, rich waters without being surrounded by hordes of tourists. It is very possible to dive areas where no one has yet gone underwater. Free diving and snorkeling are also great ways to observe fascinating creatures such as whale sharks and manta rays without having to use breathing apparatus. At Constance Moofushi, all these activities can be arranged and taken care of. Tired of water activities? The U Spa by Constance offer luxurious and highly personalized signature treatments that have

  • Racing Extinction And Mission Blue Argumentative Essay

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    Vanessa Heredia Jennifer Huerta MCWP 50 8 February 2016 Research Proposal: The Impact of Environmental Documentaries If you were to place a timeline of the Earth’s existence and events on a 24-hour clock, humans have existed for less than one minute of the entire 24 hours. Less than one minute, and yet in those seconds humans have managed to destroy natural habitats and ecosystems, deposit over 525 billion tons of CO2 into the ocean and drive hundreds of species to extinction. As the human world

  • Sharon Shenderovskiy-Personal Narrative Essay

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    Have you seen the red-haired girl, with a contagious laugh, and a permanent smile on her face as if it were painted? Well of course you have, her name is Sharon Shenderovskiy . Sharon is the newest edition to the Manta Ray Family. Like many freshmen on the first day of school, Sharon was excited, scared, and tired. She had thoughts such as, “Who will I sit with during classes?, Did I do the summer reading assignments?, Where are my classes?, and Who will I sit with at lunch?”. Sharon's passion

  • Isla Mujeres 'Racing Extinction'

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    key players of the film named Shawn Heinrichs works for Wild Aid as a marine conservationist. He states that “no other species illustrates what’s going on in the ocean better than sharks” which is significant because they predate dinosaurs and have survived four mass extinctions. However, humans have succeeded in cutting down their numbers by 90% within the Anthropocene (Racing Extinction, 2015). Isla Mujeres was the largest shark fishing island on the east coast of Mexico where at least 20 long

  • Unusual Travel Experience Essay

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    A trip is a collection of moments and memorable experiences . A meal shared with Indians, an encounter with the gorillas of Rwanda, the spectacle of an aurora borealis in Iceland, the moving visit of a historical monument ... Difficult to choose from so many possibilities, so I decided to present 10 unusual travel experiences to live around the world with us . Follow the guide ! 1. Observe the stars with a passionate astronomer in Chile The starry sky of the Atacama desert, an unusual experience

  • Survival in the Wild: Jack London's To Build a Fire and Arthur Gordon's Sea Devil

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    and “Sea Devil” by Arthur Gordon are both about characters that have caught themselves in a battle between man and nature. In “To Build a Fire” the man is facing freezing temperatures and in “Sea Devil” the man is being pulled and swept along by a Manta Ray. These stories illustrate that to survive you need to always be thinking of what to do and know that every small decision can have huge effects. Two types of survival used were mental and physical; characters in both these stories have to overcome

  • Personal Narrative: My Trip To Hawaii

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    Palm trees sway serenely in the wind and you can swim in the warm salty seas. If you need a week to let your mind wander to a place of serenity, Hawaii is the place for you. Just imagine how much you would enjoy night snorkeling while massive manta rays brush their soft stomachs against your own. Or wandering through the tropical forests only to discover a mesmerizing waterfall around every corner. There are so many islands and on each you can find new adventures. Hawaii, in my opinion is a place

  • Acanthaster planci on the Great Barrier Reef

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    Acanthaster planci on the Great Barrier Reef The organism Acanthaster planci, commonly known as the crown of thorns starfish, has a drastic effect on the health of coral reefs all over the world, including the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. This poisonous echinoderm feeds upon the coral, and although this should be a healthy and natural part of the ecosystem, the population explosions of the starfish have caused devastation in many portions of the Great Barrier Reef. Reef sections take anywhere

  • Boora Bora Essay

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    Bora Bora A lot of society travel to exotic lands because they want to see and experience the different cultures as well as get away from stress and everyday life. Today, many people travel to this exotic island, Bora Bora, to relax on the magnificent white beaches and to stay in the admirable huts that are on the crystal clear waters. According to the U.S Travel Association, about 2.2 billion Americans took a vacation in 2016 seeking for the thrill and experience of exploring new things (Irimia

  • Exotic Island Essay

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    many native fruits grown on the island as a source of diet (“Take”). While on the island, visitors can have many opportunities to interact with the wildlife. Sea turtles, dolphins, and humpback whales are the main attraction of sea life as well as manta rays. Deep- sea fishing is also another main interest with an abundance of exotic fish life only being able to be seen from Bora Bora One portion of that is the different foods. While in Bora Bora, travelers get a traditional cuisine which is influenced

  • Hawaii Argumentative Essay

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    While walking down the beach, the white, warm sand mushes between your toes. The sun’s radiant rays beam off your glowing skin. The sound of waves crashing blocks out the external world. There is no other place like the gorgeous tropical islands of Hawaii. The wide range of flowers, cuisine, and wildlife makes it one of the most diverse places on Earth; however, the unappealing aspects Hawaii makes it one of the most dangerous in the world. Hawaii is rated as one of the top tour destinations in

  • Personal Narrative: To Travel Is To Live?

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    strongly recommend. Besides all the relaxing body and soul treatments, spa and yoga, we also went on a Luxury Lucky Dolphin cruise, which was a ride on a big boat in search for dolphins. Snorkelling was also in the schedule for me, as I wanted to see manta rays, swim with baby sharks and turtles, but as the current was too strong that day, I decided not to

  • Spotted Eagle Rays Research Paper

    546 Words  | 2 Pages

    The aetobatus narinari, or more commonly known as the spotted eagle ray, is a member of the chordata phylum. (2) Being a part of the chordata phylum means they have unique characteristics such as: their notochord, a dorsal hollow nerve chord, pharyngeal slits, and a post anal tail. There are many reasons this animal is so intriguing, including its diversity and health, physiology, behaviour, and ecological challenges it faces. Spotted eagle rays are found throughout tropical warm waters in: the

  • Government: The Different Types Of The Mayan Government

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    The Mayans were controlled by a government. First, their type of government was a monarchy. The government was organized because they were a royal family. Second, their leaders were Nobles and Kings. Yes, they did receive help because the people were like slaves. Third, they are important because they were born into the royal family. The Mayans had many cities throughout South America. However, the main area is the tropical lowlands, what is now Guatemala, and all of the Yucatan Peninsula. Also