Male reproductive system Essays

  • The Male Reproductive System

    532 Words  | 2 Pages

    The male reproductive system is a set of organs that works together to produce sperm which will later in life fertilize females eggs. The testes are the most important part of the system because it produces sperm cells. It is similar and looks similar to ovaries of a female’s reproductive system because it also holds what they need to reproduce. Its job is to produce the sperm cells needed to reproduce. Due to hormonal imbalances the production of sperm cells may not even be possible in some males

  • The Male and Female Reproductive Systems

    655 Words  | 2 Pages

    The reproductive systems are based off of the goal to create offspring. Both the male and the female reproductive systems, although fueled by a similar goal, have different components and structures. Both systems are very complex in their own way, making it important for one to understand how each of the systems and their various processes work. Knowing the processes and components of the male and female reproductive systems will aid all people in their life, sometime or another. It’s important to

  • The Male and Female Reproductive Systems

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    Fertilization is achievable with the female reproductive system and the male reproductive system. All together, this system is an amalgamation of functional organs and hormones that cooperate together to generate life. The female reproductive system is subject to creating the female sex hormone and egg cell, reception of egg cell from the sperm cell, and providing a location where the fertilized egg can evolve. The male reproductive system is accountable for spawning the male sex hormone, producing sperm, and

  • Male Reproductive System Essay

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    The male reproductive system is made up of many different organs that work together to bring new life. There are many different types of diseases in the reproductive system. Starting with STD’s (sexual transmitted disease(s)) and leading to new and unknown diseases. Aids is one of those sexually transmitted diseases that will be discussed in more detail later in this essay. The male reproductive organ system is made up of the penis, urethra, prostate, bladder, scrotum, and testes. The testes are

  • Homeostasis: The Male Reproductive System

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    coordination of the endocrine system, and the nervous system (central nervous system, CNS, and peripheral nervous system, PNS). Homeostasis is usually achieved when a receptor senses stimulus, a component that responds to changes in the environment. As the receptor senses stimulus it sends it to a controls centre, a component that determines the appropriate response, the control centre is usually the brain.

  • Essay On The Urinary System Of A Mink

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    The urinary system of a mink is very similar to a human’s urinary system. The purpose of the urinary system is to rid the blood of wastes. The kidneys filter the wastes and water from the blood to make urine. The urine moves from the kidneys through the ureters to the bladder. After the bladder, if filled to maximum capacity, the urine leaves the bladder and goes through the urethra and out of the penis. Making the urinary system for the mink very similar to that of the humans. The male urogenital

  • The Human Reproductive System

    1312 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Reproductive System allows for two individuals of the opposite sex to create a new being of their own. In humans we have two different types of reproductive systems, Male and Female. The female reproductive system’s goal is to produce and care for an egg till it is ready to be born. The male reproductive system’s goal is to produce semen to fertilize the egg. When this egg grows for about 9 months, it is born into the world. Without one or the other, a baby cannot be made. The Male Reproductive

  • Epididymitis Case Study

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    modification, aggressive management of constipation, and sometimes anticholinergic or alpha-antagonist medication is effective. Henoch-Scho¨nlein purpura is a vasculitic syndrome that can affect the skin, joints, gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary system. Pain, erythema, and swelling of the scrotum and spermatic cord occur in up to one third of patients. The swelling seems to occur more commonly in boys younger than 7 years of age. Scrotal findings and onset of pain may mimic testicular torsion, but

  • Wistar Lab Report

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    (Queiroz and Waissmann, 2006). Production of number of sperms formed per gram of tissue in human is few times less than other mammals in terms of the. So, any factor identified in laboratory studies as a reproductive hazard is also expected to exert detrimental effects on the human reproductive function (Cotran et al., 2005). Therefore, the present work was designed to investigate the ultrastructrul changes in the testis of wistar rat pups after administration of conventional phototherapy and to

  • Sex Determination and Differentiation

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    sex chromosomes. Males have XY as their 23rd pair and females have XX. A female gamete, the ovum, can only receive only the X chromosome and the male gamete, the spermatozoon can receive either the X or the Y chromosome when meiosis occurs. Therefore the male sperm is responsible for the sex determination of the baby. Example: Figure 1: a Punnet square showing that there is an equal opportunity for a foetus to develop into either a male or female. It also shows how the male gamete determines

  • The Female Reproductive System

    646 Words  | 2 Pages

    The reproductive system is one of the most vital systems because it determines whether a species will survive. The reproductive system produces human offspring. One of the most prevalent diseases of the reproductive system is prostate cancer. Prostate cancer occurs when the cells of the prostate begin to grow and divide uncontrollably. One out of six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in the United States. Some of the key parts of the reproductive system are to learn how a female egg is fertilized

  • The Reproductive System

    1020 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Reproductive System The male and female reproductive systems are different with both having specific roles. The Male Reproductive System ============================ The main structures of the male reproductive system are the testes, the penis and several glands. Male sperm carries genetic information and are produced continually from the start of puberty. The primary spermatocyte divides by meiosis make two secondary spermatocytes and then four, which have half the amount

  • The Reproductive System: Its Functions And Disorders

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    The Reproductive System Its Functions And Disorders. The reproductive system is the part of the human body that is necessary to continue the human existent. Reproduction in humans normally would begin by a male and female having sexual intercourse with each other. Men and women are both unique in the way their bodies and are formed and developed. Men and women both go through the most changes during their adolescent years when they begin going through puberty. Puberty normally begin in a male

  • Analysis Of The Egg And The Sperm Essay

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    Sperm: How Science Has Constructed a Romance Based on stereotypical Male - Female Roles,” is written by Emily Martin, an anthropology professor at New York University. The author explores how scientists have imposed gender-biased stereotypes through the use of scientific language and terminology. Martin suggests that biological scientists have influenced the way our culture views gender and the stereotypes imposed by society based on male and female roles. When reading this article I gained the perspective

  • Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC’s) and the Environment

    2636 Words  | 6 Pages

    INTRODUCTION The endocrine system of animals is a main source of bioregulatory compounds. Hormonal actions regulate all aspects of animal life: reproduction and development, digestion, metabolism, behavioural responses etc. (Hertenstein 2006, Norris 2007). Hormones and glands of vertebrate and invertebrate endocrine system differ in structure and function, but their main regulatory role remains conserved. However, the balance among the environmental clues, hormonal signals and organisms’ responses

  • Essay On The Integumentary System

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    Integumentary system? The Integumentary system contains the hair, the skin, nerves, nails and glands. There are four types of glands of the Integumentary system. 1.) Sudoriferous glands. 2.) Cerminous glands. 3.) Sebaceous glands. 4.) Mammary glands What are the functions? The Integumentary system protects the body from infections and regulates temperature. It also, protects your body living organs. The integumentary system helps to get rid of waste and sensation plays a big role in this system. It plays

  • Monotreme Reproductive Biology and Behavior

    2594 Words  | 6 Pages

    Monotreme Reproductive Biology and Behavior Monotremes are mammals that are oviparous, or egg-laying. There are only 3 extant species of monotremes: the playtpus and two species of echidna. Their reproductive systems are highly specialized to facilitate both the production of eggs and milk. The male tract is quite simple. The female tract has qualities similar to those of birds, though female echidnas also possess pouches. The monotreme egg is also very specialized and somewhat similar

  • The Human Reproductive System

    935 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Human Reproductive System The Female Reproductive System consists of the Female sex cells, Vagina, Labia, Clitoris, Urethra, Hymen, Uterus, Cervix, Fallopian tubes, Ovaries, Estrogen, and Progesterone. The female sex cells, otherwise known as ovum, which are created by the ovaries, combines with male sperm, give a fertilized egg a home, and create an embryo. The vagina, also known as the birth canal, joins to the bottom of the uterus (cervix) and it holds male gametes during sex and provides

  • The Pros And Cons Of Bisphenol A

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    chemical that causes various chronic health problems, such as cancer, as well as sexual abnormalities in both males and females. Bisphenol A (2,2-(4,4-dihydroxydiphenyl)propane) can be found in many areas across the urban world, including the air that humans breathe and the water that humans drink. BPA is soluble in organic substances, which allows it to effectively enter the human system (Staples, 1998). It is a readily biodegradable compound with a half-life of three days that is easily metabolized

  • As Toid by The Egg: Nonfiction Biology Article Summary

    650 Words  | 2 Pages

    article are how the egg and sperm reproduce, the challenges the sperm faces to get to the egg, how the egg and the sperm have evolved over time since originally the cells looked the same, proteins are involved in the reproduction, and a discussion on reproductive failure. In Biology class we are learning about protein synthesis and this article discusses protein that help with sperm and egg reproduction. The article was mainly about how an egg reproduces with a sperm to create new individuals. The