Lucilla Essays

  • The Roman Culture Through The Movie Gladiator

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    In the year 2000, a director by the name of Ridley Scott tried to portray roman culture though the movie Gladiator. Some historians argue whether this film was 90% accurate compared to a mere 20% accurate. Whether it was the best historical movie or the worst. Many artists, directors and writers scour the globe for historical evidence to back up their movie, but in the end all they really need is good paying customers that want to see the movie. In one of the first scenes, there was a great battle

  • The Lady Or The Tiger Comparison

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    Sybesma, Chacey 07 March 2017 Dr.Chesnut World Lit II, MW 8am Frank Stockton’s “The Lady or the Tiger” In Frank Stockton's "The Lady or the Tiger?" a young man, the forbidden lover of a princess, is sentenced to a trial by ordeal: in front of thousands of onlookers, he must choose between two doors. Behind one waits a tiger, behind the other waits a lovely maiden. Only the princess herself possesses the knowledge that will save her lover's life, though in doing so, she will send him into the

  • Conflict Of Power In Macbeth

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    what it truly means is the development I want to see from his character. Same goes for Lady Macbeth, her story in portrayed Lucilla in the Roman Era idea. She is driven by power but when it comes to the guilt she feels after her husband is a complete tyrant her emotions can’t keep her sane so the best thing for her to do is to end her life. What I want to see from Lucilla are those driving point of what lead her into insanity. The build up from when she convinced Lucius into become the person he

  • The Death Of The Film Gladiator

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    “There was once a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish, it was so fragile.” (Gladiator). The movie Gladiator can be linked to many historical events in Rome. It demonstrates why people enjoyed watching others fight to the death and showed how that unified Rome by dealing with the daily struggles with death people faced during the reign of Commodus. Despite the movie Gladiator being accurate, the differences in history are salient. To begin

  • Film Analysis Of Gladiator

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    There are numerous shot/ reverse shots as Lucilla kneels over him. Highlighting is used to portray Lucilla as an angelic figure. After she says “go to them”, we see Maximus die. At this point, we see the films first use of theatrical mise-en –scene. While Maximus is lying down, a close up shot shows the floor of the Colosseum

  • Violence as Displacement: The Erotic Gaze in Gladiator and Fight Club

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    Violence as Displacement: The Erotic Gaze in Gladiator and Fight Club On the screen, two men writhe and grapple on the cold concrete floor. One man on top, holding the other from behind in a chokehold that causes the man on the bottom to succumb to the more powerful man. The dialogue by the narrator states that, “Sometimes all you could hear were the flap, hard packing sounds over the yelling, or the wet choke when someone caught their breath and sprayed” (Fight Club). The soundtrack consists

  • The Lost Daughter Sparknotes

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    materializes in her mind. In this one, she recalls having a friend in the name of Lucilla, who she was immensely envious of. Leda describes her as unable to “resist the desire to seduce her daughters,”(74) and remembers multiple times in which Lucilla became their favourite, almost stealing their affection from her. Leda despised this and the way her daughters complained about her discipline, comparing the fun they had with Lucilla to it. Then, she remembers the apex of the conflict, when she just couldn’t

  • Analysis Of Gladiator

    600 Words  | 2 Pages

    Commodus and slowly stabbed him in the throat, showing his superhuman strength. When Maximus died, Lucilla, Commodus’ sister, says “Is Rome worth one good man’s life? We believed it once. Make us believe it again.” This quote reiterates the fact that Maximus made a great sacrifice for the sake of Rome. Maximus gave his life to kill the undeserving emperor so that Rome could have a new, beneficial one. Lucilla wanted the Romans to make his sacrifice worth it. A great man made a giant sacrifice and they

  • Sociopathy In The Film Gladiator

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    The film, Gladiator, takes place in Rome during AD 180 and the current emperor, Marcus Aurelius and his best general, Maximus, have won the war against the barbaric Germanic tribes. Marcus is an old man and his wish is to have Rome turned into a republic again and to see Maximus inherit his powers until the Senate is strong enough to rule all of Rome. Unfortunately when Marcus’s son, Commodus, hears of who will take his place and his father’s wishes, he murders his father in cold blood and takes

  • The Beautiful Persephone

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    detailed and correct and also with information on Hades, Persephone’s husband, Demeter, Persephone’s mother, and Zeus, Persephone’s father. It also gives me information on Persephone’s children from Hades’ information on page 70. Works Cited Burn, Lucilla. Greek Myths. 1996. British Museum Press. London. Print. Gates, Megan. “Greek Godess Persephone by Megan Gates”. Goddesspersephone. N.p., Web. April, 12, 2014. Jenna. “From Knowledge Grows Acceptance”. Paganpages. N.p., November, 2009. Web. April

  • "Gladiator": An Accurate Portrayal of Roman History

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    supported by the findings of historians’ research. The film is historically accurate in most parts, including the role of gladiators; gladiatorial games and the aspects of Roman society such as the religions and beliefs. Some characters such as Commodus, Lucilla and Marcus were loosely based on the real life characters. However some parts of the film were exaggerated such as the battles in the arena, where gladiators fought to death; and many of the outfits were historically inaccurate. Moreover, fictional

  • Comparing the Movies, Fight Club and Gladiator

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    Comparing the Movies, Fight Club and Gladiator People today enjoy the same things that people enjoyed during the Roman Empire. In the movie, Gladiator, Maximus fights in the Coliseum in front of all the people of Rome. In the movie Fight Club they have fights between different people in front of all the people of the club. This shows that people who lived 1000s of years before us where entertained by violence just like most of us are today. The theme that ties both Fight Club and Gladiator

  • A Review of Gladiator

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    A Review of Gladiator Hail Caesar, and the return of the Roman Empire. From "Quo Vadis" to "Spartacus", Hollywood has enjoyed a long and fore filling relationship with the sword-and-sandals epics and Ridley Scott (Alien & Blade Runner), has released a monumental spectacle; managing to make this forgotten genre bigger, better and more bloody than ever before. Ridley Scott shines as a director through "Gladiator." Not only has he managed to create the multiple plots to this complex epic

  • Historical Accuracy Of The Gladiator

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    The movie The Gladiator could be defined as a fictional movie that used real figures in history and portrayed their characteristics as accurately as possible while sticking to the storyline. While the filmmakers made the movie very realistic, they made liberties such as the main character, Maximus Decimus Meridius, and they combined many factual events and people to create the story in the way that they wanted. Viewers should not look at the movie as a true story but as an insight to what Rome was

  • Research Paper On Gladiator

    1077 Words  | 3 Pages

    Gladiator: Fact or Fiction The story of Gladiator takes place in Ancient Rome and contains intense action, great acting, and fantastic storytelling. Although most of this action drama is mostly fictitious, some certain events and characters appear in the history books. The movie starts out with an opening battle between the well-equipped Roman army and a Germanic tribe defending their lands. Russell Crowe is the main character in the movie and he plays a roman general named Maximus. Maximus

  • Marcus Aurelius, Rome's Greastest Emperor

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    opportunities to succeed. Marcus’s family had been very involved with helping the empire. His grandfather M. Annius Verus, served as the presiding perfect or mayor three times, his father Annius Verus, was praetor of the city, and mother Domitia Lucilla, was a consul’s daughter and heiress to fortune and was also a scholar in both Greek and Latin literature. Coming from a family with high ideals, it is not odd to see how he was able to revive Rome’s vision of doing what one should consider right

  • Essay On Marcus Aurelius

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    unearth the rest of it. The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius was born Marcus Annius Verus on April 26, 121 A.D.. He was of a noble family originally Spanish, Aurelius grew up close to the center of power. His father was Annius Verus, his mother Domitia Lucilla. When he was a child the emperor Hadrian took interest in him because he embraced both rhetoric and philosophy; his manner was serious, his intellectual pursuits deep and devoted, so that the emperor punned on his name and called him “Verissimus”

  • Gladiator: Commodus A Tragic Hero

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    After its debut in America on May 5th of 2000, the movie Gladiator has been a nationwide symbol of heroism(Imdb). The film was directed by Ridley Scott and the lead roles of the film were carried out by Russell Crowe as Maximus and Joaquin Phoenix as Commodus(Imdb). The movie takes place during the reign of the Holy Roman Empire in the year 180 A.D. The Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, is dying and wishes to leave the Roman Empire under the control of Roman General Maximus Meridius. The Emperor’s son Commodus

  • The Glory of Greece Vs. the Glory of Rome

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    "I am Odysseus, Laertes' son. The whole world talks of my stratagems, and my fame has reached the heavens. My home is under the clear skies of Ithaca" (Book IX l. 19-21). This quote comes from Odysseus introducing himself to King Alcinous, and, in turn, he announces the goal and purpose of his quest: to go home. In the same way, in the film Gladiator, the hero introduces himself to his enemy saying, "My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius...Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I

  • An Analysis of The Wife of Bath Prologue

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    The Wife of Bath is a wealthy and elegant woman with extravagant, brand new clothing. She is from Bath, a key English cloth-making town in the Middle Ages, making her a talented seam stress. Before the wife begins her tale, she informs the audience about her life and personal experience on marriage, in a lengthy prologue. The Wife of Bath initiates her prologue by declaring that she has had five husbands, giving her enough experience to make her an expert on marriage. Numerous people have criticized