Judiciary Reorganization Bill of 1937 Essays

  • Court Administration Case Study

    516 Words  | 2 Pages

    Efficiency was listed as the explanation as the goal as well as the modern management methods within in court system (Cronkhite, 2013). At first glance this assumption would seem plausible, however a simple search of the history of the federal judiciary, listed the landmark legislation along with a more detailed explanation for the Administrative Office of the Courts Act in 1939. It seems that for 150 years the administrative responsibility for the federal courts went from the Treasury Department

  • Court Packing Plan Essay

    1115 Words  | 3 Pages

    On February 5, 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced a plan to expand the Supreme Court. The Judicial Reorganization Bill, also dubbed the “court-packing plan,” aimed to create a majority on the high court that would presumably be more favorable to the New Deal programs that the administration was attempting to institute. The acts and programs that President Roosevelt presented during his first administration ran into great hostility from the Supreme Court, which overturned several New

  • Patrick J. Maney's The Roosevelt Presence: The Life and Legacy of FDR

    1554 Words  | 4 Pages

    Patrick J. Maney's "The Roosevelt Presence: The Life and Legacy of FDR" is a critical analysis of the policies, programs and decisions invoked by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Maney's analysis and opinions of important historical events brought forth by Roosevelt such as The New Deal, Court Packing and World War II are "off-beat" to say the least. Maney attempts to bring to the table an objective analysis of FDR's life and policies, with hopes of indulging the reader in what he believes is the truth