José Sarney Essays

  • Globo Manipulation

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    Globo is the most influential channel in Brazil and the fourth largest network in the world, but it has been exerting a strong impact for decades, ever since its creation (Mattos). Globo was a shady company from the start; in 1965, an American company, Time Life, invested U$ 6 million in the Globo TV Station, but a parliamentary investigation discovered that the partnership was done under illegal terms. Unlike other companies, Globo did not need to pay interest, so their partnership was dissolved

  • Cansecos Steroid Allegations

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    In Jose Canseco’s 60 Minutes interview, he stated that he and some of his teammates used steroids in the past. With all the hoopla surrounding Major League Baseball and its connection with allegations made by BALCO president Victor Conte, this report is intriguing at the least. High profile athletes such as Jason Giambi and Barry Bonds have been under direct scrutiny over the past year because of the steroid issue. Canseco firmly states that he and former teammate Mark McGwire casually injected together

  • Folk Tales

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    makes ends meet by growing beans and selling them to the local townspeople, who are very sympathetic to Filipa. When a rich sheep herder named Don Jose starts harassing Filipa because she refuses to marry him She wishes for him to fall off a cliff and break his neck, when her wish comes true she feels very guilty and makes penance by giving away all of Don Jose’s sheep to those poor enough to deserve them. At the end of her penance she finds her son. This story tells allot about Spanish Culture

  • one hundred years of solitude

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    life – magic becomes more real than reality itself. The theme of religion and different perspectives on issue are introduced by different characters. The indigenous members of the Buendia family are very flexible toward religion. For example, Jose Arcadio Buendia teases the priest. Most of the Buendias have incestuous relationships. Most of the Buendia men have affairs with prostitutes. These examples do not prove that the Buendias are nonreligious but on the contrary they believe that religion

  • Characterization, Symbolism, and Repetition in Hundred Years of Solitude

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    contemplative, stubborn man, or the impetuous, forceful man, the patient and nurturing woman, and so on, are represented by more than one individual in the several generations of the Buendia family. All the Jose Arcadios, for example, are assumed to have at least some of the traits of the original Jose Arcadio Buendia (impetuous and forceful), and all the Aurelianos have something in common with Colonel Aureliano Buendia (tendency toward solitude and contemplation). The repetitions are not exact, but

  • Balthazar

    517 Words  | 2 Pages

    money?) ¡° Balthazar¡¯s Marvelous Afternoon ¡±, written by Gabrial Garcia Marquez, is a story about a birdcage and a poor carpenter, Balthazar. In the story, Balthazar made a beautiful birdcage that was commissioned by Pepe, the son of a rich man, Jose Montiel. However, when the carpenter took it to the boy, his father refused to pay and rather said to sell it other people. Although Balthazar got really angry, he gave the cage to Pepe as a present. At the end of the story, he told townpeople that

  • Solitude and Isolation in One Hundred Years of Solitude

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    alone, and forgotten, is their destiny. The novel begins with geographic isolation.  Jose Arcadio Buendia shouts, "God damn it!  Macondo is surrounded by water on all sides!"  Whether it is, in truth, an island is irrelevant.  The town believed itself to be cut off from the rest of the world.   In addition, Jose Arcadio Buendia and Ursula are looking for solitude.  The founding of Macondo was a result of escaping Jose Arcadio Buendia's murder of Prudencio Aguilar.  Aguilar's ghost haunted them, eventually

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude: Linear and Circular Time

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    plot of the novel is simple: Jose Arcadio Buendia marries his cousin Ursula, they found Macondo, the family grows, declines, and is eventually blown off the face of the earth by a hurricane. There is a beginning, and time moves the story to a total, apocalyptic conclusion (117). Within this linear background, the structure of One Hundred Years of Solitude is circular (McMurray 77). Events throughout the entire novel repeat themselves in cycles. The names Aureliano and Jose Arcadio are repeated in each

  • My Philosophy as a Teacher

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    recount that discussion about Elie Weisel’s Night to her friend on the bus, and I want them to feel enlightened and emotional about it. Years from now, I want to hear Jose tell his son about the class where he realized he wasn’t stupid and could write well. I want him to write a story about it. I haven’t taught a David, a Julie or a Jose yet, but one day I want to have that kind of effect on my students. No matter how a child feels about school, it plays a tremendous part in a child’s life. Teachers

  • Malcolm X

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    of these areas try to create. For example, KNTV news continually reports on the thefts and shootings in East San Jose but does not make an effort to show how residents are dealing with these situations. The day a local East San Jose church helped sway the city council to put a streetlight on a very busy intersection, the news pre-empted the report with an accident on another East San Jose intersection. As a result, most people in these communities do not realize that they have power to change their

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude: Relationship between Ursual and Jose Arcadio Buendia

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    One Hundred Years of Solitude:  The Relationship between Ursual and Jose Arcadio Buendia In literature, a central relationship can bond a group, and serve as a measure of the vitality of the society that it bonds. One such monumental relationship is that between Ursual and Jose Arcadio Buendia in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude. In the chosen passage, the author uses imagery, metaphors, and characterization to illustrate their relationship, establishing a preview of their

  • The Narrator of One Hundred Years of Solitude

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    able to read a character's thoughts. Generally, we get to know characters from close observation of what they say and do, and we have to infer what they may be thinking. The narrator's knowledge also fails us in the one great unresolved mystery: Jose Arcadio, elder son of the founder, is murdered in his bed, but no one ever knows by whom. The narrator is also ignorant of who guns down all of the colonel's illegitimate sons and, in fact, seems as surprised as we are when the last survivor from

  • The Theme of Death in The Garden Party

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    ever had a chance to be a caring, sensitive person with a sibling like Jose. Jose is an unfeeling, heartless and self-absorbed person who is completely clueless to those around her who don’t have lots of money or expensive assets. She sings songs with mock passion: This life is wee-ary A Tear – a sigh A Love that Chan-ges This Life is wee-ary A Tear – a sigh A Love that chan-ges And then…good bye! This is the song that Jose sings before the garden party is held. It’s ironic how she can sing

  • 1000 years of solitude

    1111 Words  | 3 Pages

    presented with a solitary authoritative figure of a particular gender, when Macondo is at its most prosperous it is controlled not by a single figure but rather a symbiotic partnership between a male and a female. At the onset of the novel we are given Jose Arcadio Buendia as the founder of the town. Clearly as founder and discoverer of Macondo he is the leader of the community. He would give instructions to the community on everything ranging from planting to how to raise children. He was hard-working

  • Rizal the Subversive

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    Rizal as a Rational Thinker During his life, Jose Rizal was described as a heretic and subversive, an enemy of both the Church and Spain. He has made tremendous contributions to the progress of the Filipino society. His political works and essays, being anti-clerical and anti-colonial, frankly aimed to expose the maladies of his time and cure the Philippines of what he calls “the social cancer”. Rizal had been the progressive radical thinker, and promptly answered the ailing call of his Motherland

  • Embracing Rizalism as a Way of Life

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    Embracing Rizalism as a Way of Life Jose Rizal, a hero! Many of our youth today equate Rizal, the hero with martyrdom, death! Being a hero isn’t “cool”, this is for “freaks”. Jose Rizal is no longer “in”. Distinguished members of the board of judges, ladies and gentlemen – I don’t have to go into detailed account of dates, places and people in the biography of Pepe. No! All literate Filipinos start their lesson in history with the stories of the boy from Calamba, Laguna. Rizal lived his life

  • Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big

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    Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big To fully understand this book, people must go behind the book and find the true state of mind of the author. Unfortunately in this case, the author is the one and only Jose Canseco. Jose Canseco is what I like to call, “The black sheep in the family of baseball.” Canseco’s history can be related to such incidents of drug using, heavy drinking, numerous sexual encounters with hundreds of partners, and unreasonable acts of violence

  • Jose Saramago's Blindness

    1541 Words  | 4 Pages

    When defining the word blindness, it can be interpreted in various ways. Either it can be explained as sightless, or it can be carefully deciphered as having a more complex in-depth analysis. In the novel Blindness, Jose Saramago depicts and demonstrates how in an instant your right to see can be taken in an instant. However, in this novel, blindness is metaphorically related to ‘seeing’ the truth beyond our own bias opinions. Saramago’s novel clearly illustrates themes that describe the importance

  • The Roman Abramovich Effect

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    force in the English league and is forever improving. In the first year of his takeover Abramovich and co persuaded Portuguese manager Jose mourinho to take charge at Chelsea. The boss made a great impression on fans and players alike and led the club on a roller coaster ride on and off the pitch which lead to Chelsea’s first title in 50 years. Jose mourinho arrived at Stamford Bridge on June 2nd 2004 and started spending immediately. With abramovich’s deep pockets and mourinho’s footballing

  • Calpine and Cisco Debate Over Coyote Valley

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    the years the technology industry has been growing with incredible speed expanding all over California. San Jose is known as the capital of Silicon Valley where major technology companies and start-ups call home. With fast spreading companies it is necessary to have enough power in San Jose to supply the increase in energy demand. Recently there was a plan proposed to the City of San Jose by Calpine Corporation to build a power plant in Coyote Valley. Nearby residents and several other organizations